Monday, December 28, 2009


Dear One,
If you will be alert you will discern how many times your spiritual enemies try to get you into strife so that they can destroy what I have restored in your life.
Recognize their work and call them what they are, demons who will eventually burn in the abyss. They want to thwart My every purpose, and they want to destroy every blessing, and they want to rob from all of My children.
Do not fall for their tricks, even though every emotion and every logical thought says you deserve to pout or get angry and return evil for evil. You might deserve to react negatively, but those actions would not be productive.
Wisdom in all things is demanded while you live in the earth. Reason with Me and I will tell you how to react with humor, insight and self protection. Then the activity of the demons of strife will fall to earth with no agreement and evil will be defeated again. Every time strife is defeated it loses more of its power in your life.
Return good for evil and then watch evil be revealed as the coward that it is.
Love, God
Matthew 7:17-20; Matthew 12:35-37; Romans 12:17-21

Love, God

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