Thursday, December 3, 2009


Dear One,
Expecting the best in everything is not just a mental exercise. It is a faith exercise.
Faith says that the best things will happen in every situation.
Fear says that the worse things will happen in every situation.
Faith produces and fear produces. Which product do you want in your life?
Faith is confidence in Me.
Fear is confidence in destructive spirits.
You can speak to fear just like Jesus spoke to satan, speaking words of faith to it. It will react by slithering off like the coward that it is.
When you speak faith statements based on your promises from Me, then fear has to retreat and hide. Fear knows you are right when you speak faith statements by declaring your confidence in me.
I said that when you speak faith to the mountains that they will be removed. Fear is a mountain. Doubt is a mountain, Speak to those mountains the words that I have promised to you and you will see those mountains removed from your mind.
Faith Speaks!

Jude 20; Mark 11:23;
Love, God

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