Friday, December 18, 2009


Our 2009 Christmas Home

Dear One,
There is always justice in the works, even though it looks like there may not be. There are justice angels who work to bring truth in every situation. That is done by the spiritual principle of seed sowing and plant reaping. The seeds you sow will produce after their kind. When you sow kindness and goodness seeds, they will produce kindness and goodness in your life. When you sow temperance and prudence seeds, they will produce beneficial plants in your life. That is true justice.
Patience is always required while the justice work is implemented and completed. Give faith and patience a chance to do their complete work without anxiety on your part to interfere.
The end results is always worth waiting for. Harvest always comes at the proper time because the life in the seeds never die.
Continue sowing seeds of mercy, goodness, kindness, joy, love and faith and the plants will grow and mature, producing wonderful crops for you.
Love, God
Matthew 13:3-9; Galatians 6:7-10

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