Monday, April 5, 2010


Dear One,
Every plan you make, every trip you take, every meal you cook, every conversation you have, every job you pereorm, everything you do I am a part of it.
Be conscious of My participation in everything you do and you will see My footprints and My hand prints in the situations.
I am in you so I go with you, and I am around you so I go before you and I follow you, so I clean up any mistakes you make.
Expect the best of everything, the best plans, the best food, the best facilities, the best accommodations, the best of everything because everything I have is yours. Look for the best, expect the best and you will have it.
You have invited Me through prayers to prepare the way for you, and I do it every time.
Don't allow yourself to dread anything. Dread only attracts misfortune. Dread is part of fear. Fear brings misfortune.
Faith allow you to have the best. I have the best things for you so you should visualize and expect the best in every situation. Remember that I am in you, around you, I precede you and I follow you. I'm there for you.
Love, God
Matthew 20:20; Psalm 23; John 14:6: John 14:15

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