Tuesday, February 26, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   We have talked about the wonders of having been born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, experiencing joy unspeakable, enduring peace and the knowledge of being loved unconditionally.  Yet, some of My children become like Adam and they begin to again yield to the temptations of the devil which takes them right back to the former life of curses and pigpen living, wallowing in the dirt and mud of life instead of continuing to live in My kingdom of love.
   My children in the church at Galatia is a good example.  The prophet Paul heard of their life journey backward into sin, forgetting that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for their sins was My plan of their salvation.  In Paul's letter of correction to them, My Holy Spirit inspired Paul to quickly launch into My chastening of them for following a different gospel in which they were encouraged by deceived prophets to return to observing the religous laws of the old covenant.  He identified the people who were spreading that different gospel among them, one that required them to combine the teachings of the old covenant with My new covenant of the Holy Spirit.  The heresy was that My childen must return to obeying the religious laws with its dependance upon obeying the rules and regulations of the old ineffective covenant for salvation instead of continuing to trust in Jesus Christ for their salvation. (Galatians 1:6-8)  Paul said if it was a man or an angel teaching them to return to old covenant laws, whoever it was, that he is condemned.
   The first thing that the deceived teachers insisted upon was My newly born again men being circumcised as an additional way to salvation, along with belief, instead of My children depending upon Jesus Christ, My Holy Spirit and Me to continue to remove the real skin, which is the demon of unbelief that covers the minds of people.  My salvation is a spiritual work while circumcision is a physical work which has nothing to do with salvation, only with physical cleanliness.  Under the old covenant the practice of circumcision was meant to only be a prophesy of what the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was going to accomplish when I sent Him to save My children from the works of the devil.  So the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for your sins has to do with My Holy Spirit removing that inivisible veil that has allowed the devil to deceive you and curse your life.  When My children come to Me to be born again and baptized in My Holy Spirit, that veil, or spiritual skin, is removed and My Holy Spirit with his power over evil floods into you.(Galatians 1:6-9)
   In Paul's letter, I asked the men in Galatia who had tricked them, who had cast a spell upon them so that they would so quickly reject faith in Jesus Christ as their salvation?  I asked them in My letter to them if it was because of obeying the written laws that they had received My Holy Spirit or was it by faith in Jesus Christ?  I asked them if they were so foolish, so silly and so senseless as to try to reach perfection in the flesh after having begun their new life with My Holy Spirit?  I asked if all of My gifts and miracles had been wasted on them or did they think that I had given My Spirit to them so freely because they had practiced the Law instead of believing in Jesus Christ and the anointing of My Spirit?  (Galatians 3:1-5)
    My Holy Spirit through Paul's letter compared people of faith to the people who depend on the religious laws for justification.  He said that people of faith in Jesus Christ are blessed, happy and favored by Me through believing and trusting in Me.  In contrast, He reminded the people in Galatia that people of the old covenant who depend upon obedience to the rituals of religous laws to justify them are under a curse, doomed to destruction and disappointment.  (Galatians 3:9-10)  The people had forgotten that it was written in the scriptures that anyone is cursed who adheres to the religious laws, doomed to be punished if they don't obey every precept and command that's written in the laws and practice them. (Deuteronomy 27:26)
     It is by faith in Jesus' crucifixion, death and battle in hell that My children inherit the blessings that come from being My child.  My devoted children experience the blessings of having My life inside of them instead of experiencing the devil's death and destruction which comes from observing religious laws.  The religious laws are impossible to obey and My children are open for the condemnation of the devil when they can't obey them.  Jesus Christ, Himself, did not obey all of the religious laws when it was necessary to heal someone, feed someone and minister to someone in some way.
    Jesus Christ purchased your freedom from the devil's curses of the law by His becoming a curse for the whole world so that through belief in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ the promises of My blessings might come upon them, and that through faith in Him you might receive the promise of My Holy Spirit.  (Galatians 3:16-19; John 20:22-23; Acts 2:1-4)  When you have faith in Him and are led by My Holy Spirit, you are blessed with peace and joy in every area of your life.  Yet, My children in Galatia had returned to the religious laws that brought destruction and death.
    My Holy Spirit inspired Paul to tell the Galatians that I meant for them to be free and to stay free instead of retreating back into the curses that come from strict religious laws.  He challenged them to stand firm in the liberty wherein Christ set them free.  He told them, "DO NOT BECOME ENTANGLED AGAIN IN THE YOKE OF BONDAGE," by looking to circumcision as a way to salvation.  When My children do, then they are obliged to obey all of the religious laws.  Faith expressing itself in love is what is important to Me. (Galatians 5:1-6)
    Returning to old covenant laws as a means to salvation will only cause My children to return to their former pigpen-living after having enjoyed the blessings of My kingdom of heaven.  Reject every temptation from the devil or from emissaries of the devil who are men sent to tempt you to return to old covenant laws instead of depending upon your faith in Jesus Christ to reconcile you to Me.
    Beware of people who require obedience to religious laws as a means of living a life of faith in Jesus Christ. 
    Your Father of Warnings

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