Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Dear One,
Every act of love shown to others will fill the atmosphere around you with love angels.
Every act of mercy shown to others will fill the atmosphere around you with mercy angels.
Every act that brings joy to others will fill the atmosphere around you with joyful angels.
Every act that spreads peace to others will fill the atmosphere around you with peace angels.
You have experienced those activities many times.
Likewise, you have experienced the opposite, by filling the atmosphere around you with strife, conflict, contention, hatred, jealousy or depression you have felt the demons ministering to you and your family.
Sow love, reap love. Sow peace, reap peace. Sow mercy, reap mercy. Sow joy, reap joy.
If at all possible, keep peace with all men.
If at all possible, love all men.
If at all possible, be merciful to all men.
If at all possible, be joyful at all times.
By those actions you will walk in My Kingdom with your head above the negative things in the world. That's what I meant when I told you to seek My Kingdom.
I have called you to experience peace, joy, love and mercy. Sow them and then you will reap them.
Love, God
Matthew 18;18; Galatians 6:7-10
photo from Philippe Sainte-Laudy of

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