Friday, April 11, 2008


Dear One,
Your spiritual enemy, the devil, will tempt you with negative, hurtful, self consuming, judgmental, wrathful, strife-filled thoughts so that he can entice you to take them and birth them. As a result of those negative thoughts he can cause you to be physically and mentally poisoned by the release of negative chemicals into your body and mind. Following that, you will release poisonous words and actions toward others and injure them.
Your spiritual counselor, the Holy Spirit, will impress you with positive, loving, merciful, wise, forgiving, joyful and patient thoughts so that you will take them and birth them. As a result of those positive thoughts I will cause you to be physically and mentally blessed by the release of positive, healthy chemicals into your mind and body. Following that, you will release loving words and actions toward others and bring blessings into their lives as well as your own.
Remember the succession of events. First comes thoughts. Then the thoughts produce attitudes. Then attitudes the produce actions. The result is you are either blessed or cursed, depending upon your thoughts.
Sow good seeds and produce good results.
Love, God
Matthew 5:2-12; Philippians 4:7-9
photo courtesy of MumbleyJoe at

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