Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wresting vs. Winning

Dear One,
When you feel yourself begin to mentally lose ground to depression or fear or unforgiveness or strife or jealousy or opposition or contention, remember that you are already a winner. You are already a winner over those thought patterns and you can win that immediate battle over the mental turmoil that accompanies them. You're not a wrestler, pinned to the ground by an opponent unless you allow yourself to be.
You have won similar battles in the past and you will be a winner again. By an act of your will you can overcome them and emerge from those damaging emotions.
If you feel that you have already lost ground to an invading emotional spirit, just regroup and get on the aggressive side. The aggressive one is the winner every time.
Exert your authority over the negative emotional spirits by declaring them powerless over you. Speak to them of whom you are in Christ, the head and not the tail, the winner and not the loser, that you are above the situation and not below it. Then demand of your mind that it perform as a winner.
I crowned you a winner already.
Love, God
Ephesians 6:12; Deuteronomy 28:13; John 16:3
Photo of a friends son Chris Ogden exerting authority on a mountaintop in Hawaii

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