Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Promised Land of Prayers

Dear One,
We have talked about what a difference a day makes in the scheme of things relating to answered prayers. You have observed days when it outwardly seemed like the answer to a prayer was "no" or "maybe" or "never" rather than "yes" and "amen". Then, miraculously, one day later the wonderful answer was visibly manifested.
There is even a more finite amount of time when it seems like the answer will never come, often a minute or an hour, when your mind is playing tricks on you and tells you that the answer will never come. Then, again miraculously, the answer is there and you are in awe of My ability to perfect everything in relation to you and your life.
There are many lessons to be learned in relation to time and its value in the scheme of things. After an answer is manifested, then looking back at the amount of time and faith that you invested in the endeavor is of no consequence to you. At that point in time when the answer became visible to you is the only time that is counted because of the joy in you.
You must remember that there is a wilderness experience in your mind while I and My hosts of angels are working full time in the spiritual dimension to bring a positive result. The promised land is always entered after the wilderness experience. The promised land is where the answer has become real to you and you are rejoicing at the results of your faith.
To bring results to all of your prayers involves My dealing with other people, changing their attitudes, their habits and their desires to bring them into agreement with the answers to your prayers. It's the change in them that takes time because of My gift of free will to them. Sometimes it takes a while for My suggestions to their minds to take root and bring changes that will benefit you and them.
Delays are never because of My lack of power, it's because of the reluctance of people to change and come in agreement with things that will benefit them.
So always realize that the time it takes for answers to prayers to be manifested means that I and My working angels are perfecting what concerns you and the people involved in your prayer requests. Every prayer you pray in accordance with the Spirit of Love is answered. Count on it.
Love, God
II Corinthians 1:20; Hebrews 1:1
Photo courtesy of Richard Nix at

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