Saturday, January 17, 2009


Dear One,
Very often you ask for new revelation before you have assimilated and walked in the knowledge of the other revelations that you have received from Me. In that scenario you have to continually go back and go to the first grade, the second grade, etc., because you have heard the revelation but it has not become flesh in you, it has not become part of the fruit that grows on your tree of life.
For instance, a revelation of forgiveness is wonderful, but if you do not allow it to become flesh in you -- that is to become part of your character -- then it has not benefited anyone, not you, not your family or friends and definitely not me because I can't do the forgiveness for you, although I would like to.
Walk in revelation knowledge and carry that solid revelation into the next revelation. That process is building the temple properly, the temple being your body, soul and spirit.
A shaky foundation or shaky walls will not hold up the roof when storms and torrential rains come.
The roof in this instance means the mind, which can lose all the stability if the foundation and walls are weak.
Expound on each revelation internally until the fullness is attained before you move on to more enlightenment. It is all necessary for a firm, sound, solid, immovable temple in which My Spirit can live and move in the earth.
Love, God
Ephesians 1:10-23; Ephesians 3:14-21; Matthew 16:18; I Corinthians 6:19

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