Sunday, September 20, 2009


Dear One,
Overflowing is the mind set you need to have.; that is, overflowing in everything, overflowing love, overflowing grace, overflowing mercy, overflowing prosperity, overflowing peace, overflowing health, overflowing benefits, overflowing creativity, overflowing wisdom, overflowing knowledge, overflowing flow of everything.
To be baptised in things means that those things are overflowing in your life. There is an endless source of them in your life of love, grace, mercy prosperity, peace, benefits, creativity, wisdom, knowledge, overflowing blessings because I am in you.
There is no end to those things overflowing in your life. There is an endless source because I am endless and full of resources. Yes, the rivers of life are overflowing, their banks have no end.
Love, God
John 10:10; III John 2

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