Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Dear One,
Today is a new day, a new beginning. Old things will be old. New things will be new.
Look at each and every day as fresh, new beginnings, new ideas, new relationships, new songs, new revelations, new adventures, new inventive thoughts, new energy, new cells in your body, new thoughts in your mind, new opportunities, new joy, new loves, new successes, new prosperity, new jobs.
I said that everything would become new when the old is passed away. Every new day is that way, the old is dead and of no effect in the new day unless you let it be. Let the old be the old and stay the old, in the past.
Look for Me and my majestic actions in your behalf every day and we will have a ball together, reinventing the world for you with newness. I'm game. Are you?
Look to the new day for it is life, the very breath of life. Forgive the past. Forget the past. Let it be. Live and enjoy today. Your prayers and the seeds that you sow today will determine the future so don't worry about it at all.
Enjoy today with Me, sing with Me, laugh with Me, and your entire day will be full of joy.
Love, God
II Corinthians 5:17-21; Revelations 2:4

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