Saturday, February 5, 2011


Dear One,

Glorious times are ahead for those who expect them, prepare for them and imagine them.
If you will let Me, I will give you images of the glorious times and events that await you. They are already programmed by Me and ordered through My words in you, and the wheels have been set in motion to make it all reality. Prayer has ordered them and they will be manifested in your life.
You have seen how easy it is to receive your inheritance when you are led by Spirit, walk in love, and walk in peace and harmony with all men. Your inheritance flows into your life like a river flows because there are no negatives to dam it up.
My rivers of life are free flowing. They're flowing towards you and into you..

Love, God

John 4: 10-14; John 7:38; John 14:13; John 15:16-17; John 16:23; II Peter 1:3

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