Saturday, February 12, 2011


Dear One,

You have heard it said not to judge a person until you walk in his shoes for a day.
Men wonder why I do not judge them. I don't judge because I do walk in the shoes of every man every day and every moment and I know the thoughts and intents of the heart. I know their struggles against evil and the desires of their hearts to do good. I know their self-condemnation when they yield to evil.
My compassion is constantly being poured upon every living human being because of the struggles that they face.
My judgment is for the devil and his demons who torment My children and who tempt them to do evil so that he can condemn them. Those evil beings are the ones for whom My judgment is reserved.
I know that the only way that men can resist evil is to be filled with My Spirit. I delegated My power in the earth to the Holy Spirit who comes to live in the men who invite Him into their lives so that they can resist the devil and also destroy the works of the devil like Jesus did.
My compassion is never ending. I know your struggles and your battles and your disappointments and your grief, and I understand. I sent My Comforter to sooth you, to comfort you, to encourage you, to teach and guide you.
My power is always available to you in the Holy Spirit.
My compassion and comfort are always available to you in the Holy Spirit.
He is always available to you. When He is inside of you, He will lead you to have compassion for all men and He will teach you how to judge the evil one and destroy his works.
I will teach you to understand the struggles of all men, just like I do, because you are My child.

Love, God
Matthew 7:1 & 2; Matthew 12:28; Luke 6:37; Luke 5:22; John 5:20; John 7:24; Jon 8:15 & 16; John 12:47

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