Monday, February 28, 2011


Dear One,
Your views of life are what you will transmit, what you will sow and what you will reap.
If you view life as a hardship, a burden, a chore that has to be endured, then you will reap that kind of life.
If you view life as an adventure, a challenge, a joy, a gift, a blessing, then that is what it will become.
Your thoughts and attitudes are the patterns from which your future situations and circumstances are formed.
Do you see why I have always taught about attitudes and thoughts and why they are so important?
It is impossible to form a happy, prosperous future for yourself when you have an image and pattern in your mind of dread and despair and destruction.
Only My promises to you can put the positive images in your mind which will program your blessed futures, a gift from Me to you.  Then life will be worth living.
Love, God
Matthew 5: 3-10; Psalm 33:11; Proverbs 23:7; Matthew 15:19 & 20; Philippians 4:8

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