Thursday, November 17, 2011


Dear One,

Faith trusts in Me, never in the person who has a need. If you trusted the person who has a need to supply his own needs, you never would have needed Me in the situation because the need would have been met by the person. Faith needs My intervention in the matter or you never would have turned to Me.
My abilities are what is needed, not the abilities of any earthly person. The person's needs are what drove you to turn to Me in prayer, asking for My help. His needs are not the power necessary to solve the problem. My abilities and My power are what will solve the problem. If the person could come up with the power to meet his own needs, you wouldn't need Me.
It is My love for everyone that entices My willingness to meet the needs of all of My children. Love always gives and Love always meets the needs of people.
My Fatherhood is the compelling factor, first seeing the needs of My children and then moving heaven and earth to do what is asked of Me.
It is said that the devil seeks whomever he can devour.
I seek for whomever I can help. When asked to enter the situation, I am eager to meet the need.
My help is sufficient for every need.

Love, God
Acts 1: 8; I Peter 5:8-9-12; I Corinthians 13:4-13; II Peter 1:3-4; I John 4;7-8.

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