Tuesday, June 19, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   After a man named Zacchaeus had listened to Jesus teach and then said he would give half of his property to the poor and said he would return four times any money to people that he had cheated, Jesus told him that salvation had come to his house that day because the Son of Man had come to seek out and save the lost. (Luke 19:8-10)
   While people were listening to Jesus He went on and told this parable about the unpopular king because they were near Jerusalem and the people imagined that My kingdom of God was going to show itself then and there that day.  The parable was about a nobleman who went to a foreign country to be made a king and afterwards returned to his own country as king.  Before he left for the foreign county, the nobleman summoned ten of his servants to him and gave each one of them a pound and told them to do business with their one pound while he was gone.  (Luke 19:11-13)
   The compatriots of the nobleman hated him and send an envoy to follow him with the message that they did not want him to be king over them. (verse 14)
    Upon his return after becoming a king, he sent for his servants to whom he had given a pound to see what return he had for his money.  The first servant told the king that his one pound had made ten pounds.  The king said, "Well done, my good servant. You have proved yourself faithful in a small thing so I will appoint you the authority over ten cities."  The second servant told the king that he had gotten a return of five pounds for his one pound.  The king told him that he had done well and that he would be in charge of five cities. (verses 15-20)
    Another servant came to the king and told him that he had put the one pound away in a napkin because he was afraid of the king, that he had heard he was an exacting man, that he picked up what he did not put down and that he reaped what he had not sown, that he robbed from people.  The king called the man "wicked" and said that he would be condemned by his own words because he accused the king of picking up what he had not put down and that he had reaped what he had not sown. (verse 21-23) He asked the man why he did not at least put the one pound in the bank so that the king would at least have gained some interest. (verse 24)
   The king told some of the people standing by to take the one pound from man who only had one pound and give it to the man who had ten pounds.  The people protested that that man already had ten pounds.  The king said that to everyone who has, more will be given; but to those who have not, even what they have will be taken away. (verses 25-26)
   The king instructed them to bring his enemies to him so that they would be executed because of their rebellion. (verse 27)
    The man who refused to use the one pound in business for profit was motivated by fear, just as Job was motivated by fear in his life. (Job 1:1-5)  Because of the fear, Job lost everything and was impoverished.  Job and the man who saved the one pound instead of doing business with it, both men did not know Me.  They feared Me because of the religious laws and the strictness of them because the laws feed fear of Me into the minds of My children.  Fear immobilized the man who kept the pound of money in the napkin.  He was like Job who finally said to Me that he had previously only known Me by the hearing of his ear, as reported by other people, but when he encountered Me face to face he began to know Me not as a God to be feared but as one to be loved and worshiped for My kindness and wisdom.  (Job 42:1-6)
   Through their encounters with Jesus Christ, My disciples, the poor, the blind, the deaf and the brokenhearted people knew My true character and personality, that I am love, that I am not a God to be afraid to approach.  Jesus revealed My true nature, that of Love.  He said that anyone who had seen Him had seen Me.  Because of their face to face encounters with Jesus, the formerly unfortunate people became the most fortunate among men.  Yet, the people who were still trusting in old covenant laws which instill fear in people, those Jews who were loyal to their religious laws refused to welcome My Son into their lives as their Savior.  They lost what little they had while the poor, the blind, the deaf and the brokenhearted became blessed with My kingdom of heaven coming into their lives when My Holy Spirit came to live inside of their hearts, (Acts 13:47) The least of My children became royalty by My kingdom coming to live inside of them with authority over all the works of the devil, while the people under the old covenant of religious laws chose to remain under those religious laws and so they lost the little that they had which were the prophesies of the coming of their Messiah because they did not recognize Jesus Christ as My Son. (Romans 9:30-32; Galatians 3:14) 
   Yes, the reality of the culmination of the prophesies was taken away from the nation of Israel when Jesus Christ came into the earth because their fear and unbelief did not allow them to recognize Him as their real Messiah, just like the fearful servant whose one pound was taken away from him and given to the servant who grew his one pound into ten pounds.
   However, even though the old covenant of religious laws was made null and void, the individual Jews who became born of My Spirit and baptized in My Spirit became heirs, along with  the Gentiles who had become joint heirs with Christ. (Romans 8:17)  For in Christ there are no Jews, Gentiles, males, females, bond or free.  All are equal as My children in My eyes. (Galatians 3:28)  
   My children who are endued with My power from heaven have authority over all of the demonic kingdoms that persist in their efforts to destroy the earth that I gave to My children.  My children have the power of My Holy Spirit to cast those demons into hell.  When they do, My righteousness shines in My children of promise like the noonday sun because I live in them. (Matthew 13:41-43)
   Your Loving, Peaceful Father  

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