Tuesday, September 23, 2008


"a good memory"

Dear One,
When you relive bad memories from the past in your mind you are resurrecting the dead ghosts (spirits) that caused the actions.
Even in horror shows it is a cause for shock and fear when ghosts are resurrected out of graves. It is the same when you resurrect an evil act against you, you resurrect the bad spirits who were a problem in your life at the time. No one wants to do that.
Only resurrect good memories and the pleasant spirits who caused the good times will be invited in to bless you today. Then you should give them thanks for enriching your life.
You can give life to whoever you wish, good spirits or bad one.
Choose wisely and live.
Don't resurrect the dead bad situations and the ghosts who produced them Think only on what is pure and good and of a good report.
Love, God
Philippians 3:13 & 14

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