Saturday, September 20, 2008


Dear One,
Joy, because it is a fruit of the Spirit, has seeds within it to birth more joy, a crop of joy.
Being joyful, or full of joy, is healing to you and to others.
I have told My children to rejoice before they feel like it, and to rejoice before they see the answer to prayers culminate. That is because you call the things that are not as though they were when you rejoice. Rejoicing says I will answer prayers and I promise to answer prayers.
Take a lesson from Peter who rejoiced and prayed and sang while in prison and the earth quaked and the walls tumbled down. He had no apparent reason to rejoice, yet he did. The results were astounding.
You can choose to dam up the living waters of joy and stay in a depressed state, or you can choose to rejoice and free the living waters of joy and you will see and experience healing in all areas of life.
Rejoice in the midst of problems as well as rejoicing in the midst of victory.
Rejoicing will make you triumphant.
Love, God
Acts 12:5-11;Acts 16:23-33

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