Thursday, September 25, 2008


Dear One,
My children would never knowingly drink poison unless they wanted to end their lives.
There are activities of the mind that are poison to the body, soul and spirit.
One of them is fretting about things over which you have no earthly control.
You have spiritual control over everything relating to you by prayer and walking in the Spirit, But there are situations that you fret over that are completely outside of your control. Do not fret and worry about those. Commit them to intercessory prayer and then release them from your mind.
Poison, even in small doses, will eventually kill you.
Worrying and fretting will begin to harm you early on, and prolonged worry will eat away at your organs like termites gnaw on and eat away at the wood in your house.
I commented to you that you cannot add one day to your life by worrying.
You can add to your life by praying and communing with Me.
Fretting and worrying never produced a positive solution or positive action. It only produces poisons which will slowly destroy you.
Spend as much time in prayer about a negative situation as you have in worrying about it and you will see a wonderful, positive result emerge.
Worrying kills. Prayer heals.
Love, God
Matthew 6:25-34; Romans 8:26-28

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