Sunday, September 28, 2008


Dear One,

You will see people fight wholeheartedly for freedom from a ruling tyrant of a country, for freedom from oppression, yet you will see them put up with being deceived by religious oppression and religious deception. The same people who fight vigorously against one kind of oppression and one kind of tyranny will yield to another variety of oppression because it seems acceptable. Religious oppression is erroneously said to be from Me.
When men do not realize and recognize the works of the devil as oppressive and tyrannical, they believe lies and accusations against Me, believing that I oppress and terrorize people. They believe the lies because they do not know Me and do not know the truth about Me.
My truth teaches what My true nature is love, and truth teaches that all good and perfect gifts come from Me. Truth teaches that the devil comes to rob, kill and destroy. Truth teaches that I have come that you might have a wonderful life and that you might have it abundantly.
Religion teaches oppression.
I teach freedom. Whom I set free is free indeed.

Love, God
John 8:32; John 10:10;

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