Thursday, October 9, 2008


Dear One,
Taking things easy is a vital a part life that people hate to hear about because it brings up the need for patience. That's what patience is, taking it easy and not sweating the small stuff.
Impatience is always seeded by the emotions. Impatience is always grounded in how you feel or how your emotions are motivating you.
Patience is not a feeling, it is a fruit of the Spirit, a virtue. Patience is the willingness to accept present circumstances, knowing that prayer will eventually change them to the best possible result.
When you take things easy you are allowing your faith to do its work. When you take things easy you are switching from the emotions of the flesh to the emotions of the Spirit, namely patience.
As the saying goes, don't sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff in relation to eternal values.

Love, God
Luke 8:15; Romans 5:3-5; Romans 8:25

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