Sunday, October 5, 2008


Dear One,
Your spiritual enemies are always attentive to you, endeavoring to get you into strife through anger, disagreement, discouragement or enmity. They can destroy all you've worked for if they can get you into strife.
Do not fall for their activity. It is so easy to be deceived into thinking that flesh and blood are causing the strife. Rest assured, the ones behind it are your spiritual enemies who want to lead you into trial and tribulations.
My ways are not their ways. Neither are My ways your ways when you are caught in the trap of engaging in strife. Only when you act in love and refuse to participate in the activity of darkness are your ways My ways. Acting in love is the road traveled by those who are led by My Spirit and those who have the fruit of My Spirit.
Peace and love take the upper hand at all times. The lower activities instigated by strife have to yield to the higher authority of love.
Be on watch for the activity of negativity to get you into its snare. Take the road of love and see the results. You will see strife and anger in others will fall to the ground without accomplishing anything when you act and react in love.
Love always prevails. When it is necessary to speak the truth, speak the truth in love and it will be received and heeded.
Love, God
Deuteronomy 5:33; Isaiah 55:8 &9; James 3:15-18; Ephesians 4:15
photo from our friend Richard Nix @

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