Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Dear One,
To truly live is to love, to love Me, to love yourself and to love others. That is the essence of life, to love.
When love is cut out of your life, that is death even though your physical body is still living.
Self hatred is a precursor to death because hatred releases chemicals into the body which will kill. Hatred of other people multiples the chemicals and then death is guaranteed, maybe not immediately but it will happen eventually. Bitterness toward me and others will do the same things, release bitter, damaging chemicals into the body which will cause illness and disease.
You cannot hate and have bitterness toward others and also expect healing chemicals to be released into your body.
You cannot love and release poisonous chemicals into your body, because in the presence of love any poisonous chemicals are nonexistent. When you live in a state of love, there is nothing present in your body which will produce damaging chemicals.
Love is healing to you and others because of the presence of My healing chemicals. When you love others and demonstrate that love, powerful chemicals are released in you and they are also released in the people you love because of their feeling of being loved.
Love is not only emotionally advantageous to yourself and others, it is also physically advantageous to you as a lover and also to the recipient of your love.
Love, God
Matthew 5:43;-46; Matthew 22:37-40; Romans 8:28
photo compliments of Michrose at

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