Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Dear One,
There is always a positive happening that will follow a negative happening if the negative is handled without anger, strife, disgust, discouragement or depression.
Knowing that life in the earth is filled with occasions of tribulation is a fact. Jesus told his followers that. However, knowing that you will overcome each and every tribulation is a greater and more profound truth. Jesus also told his followers, "In the world you will have tribulation, but rejoice, I have overcome the world." I still can overcome every tribulation that can happen to My children while they live in the world. That is a promise that I made to My children through Jesus Christ, the triumphant one.
Your vital part in each instance is that you handle each crisis with faith and patience and grace and love and mercy. It makes My efforts in overcoming the crisis for you so much easier if you react positively rather than negatively. In the midst of tribulation you must always envision and proclaim a positive end result rather than a negative one.
Everything will work for your good if you walk in the Spirit, the Spirit of truth and love.
To walk in the Spirit is to walk with me and to be guided by Me. I will guide you out of every tribulation and I will cause everything to benefit you. You are My child so I will always do things for your highest good.
Walk with Me and you will walk and live the high life, because My ways are higher than your ways and they are higher than you can ever imagine.
Love, God
John 16:33; Isaiah 55:9-11;

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