Thursday, January 21, 2010


Dear One,
No one has ever written a song called, "All you need is judgment," or "All you need is condemnation," or "All you need is hate," or "All you need is guilt," or, "All you need is strife," or "All you need is prejudice," or "All you need is conflict, or "All you need is turmoil," or "All you need is jealousy," or "All you need is selfishness, " or "All you need is dissension," or "All you need is envy."
If anyone wrote a song like any of those, then he and the song would be rejected mightily.
Yet My children think nothing about operating in those activities of the evil one and think they are doing what is rightfully theirs to do. Then they can't understand why their lives are growing plants of judgment, condemnation, hatred, guilt, strife, prejudice, conflict, turmoil, jealousy, selfishness, dissension or envy.
I said that what you give you will also receive back, sometimes 10 fold, sometimes 100 fold. The spiritual principle was established from the foundation of the earth, seed planting and harvest. What you sow you will also reap.
Sow love in the lives of others and you will reap love.
Sow patience in the lives of others and you will reap patience.
Sow mercy in the lives of others and you will reap mercy.
Sow joy in the lives of others and you will reap joy.
Sow goodness in the lives of others and you will reap goodness.
Sow kindness in the lives of others and you will reap kindness.
Sow peace in the lives of others and you will reap peace.
Sow faith in the lives of others and you will reap faith.
My children have those good seeds to sow. Make sure you reach into the seed bin of the Holy Spirit inside of you, and distribute those seeds into your life and the lives of others. Then the harvest will be plentiful and My Kingdom living will be yours.
Love, God
Galatians 6:7-10; Galatians 5:17-26

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