Friday, January 22, 2010


Dear One,
You are emotionally bound to whatever occupies your mind.
Think about it. If you have thoughts of anger, resentment, strife, judgment, unforgiveness, rage or division toward another person, then you are bound to him or her.
I said whatsoever is bound on earth is bound in heaven. It's a spiritual principle.
When those negative thoughts constantly occupy your mind you are like a suicide bomber having explosives strapped to his body. Eventually they will explode and injure you.
I taught men through Jesus about attitudes, turning the other cheek, being merciful and forgiving and loving your enemies so that you will not mentally strap explosives to yourself that will eventually explode or implode and injure you and others.
My principles to you are given for a purpose, to protect you and others because I love you and I want you to have a life filled with love and peace.
Love, God
Matthew 5; Matthew 18:18

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