Monday, January 25, 2010


Dear One,
Who has failed you?
Have I failed you? No.
Have you failed Me? No.
Have you failed yourself? Occasionally, yes; but only when you refuse to purify your thoughts and words and actions. Those negative thoughts, words and actions are enemies of yours because you reap what you sow. You know that you fail to provide adequately for yourself the best things in life when you switch into destructive thoughts, words and actions because that will bring destruction to your life, maybe not immediately, but eventually.
When you fail yourself you fail other people who are close to you because you pull them into the destruction that comes upon you.
Success is the opposite of failure. Determine to be successful by refusing negativity in all areas of your life by thought, word and deed. Plant positive thoughts words and actions and success will come your way because your soul prospers.
Love God,
III John 2; Philippians 4:8;Ephesians 4:29; Matthew 12:37

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