Sunday, January 17, 2010


Dear One,
I always make a way in every wilderness and every aspect of the way is tailor made for you. It is tailor made for your personality, your talents, your abilities and your situation. There will always be a wonderful ending because I have paved the way to a perfect conclusion for you. I have cleared the way for every person to the best conclusion, which will be different for each one because of the difference in personalities, talents, abilities and situations, but know that the way will be easily traveled and beneficial for you.
Never forget that I always make a way through any and every one of life's wildernesses that you encounter because I have gone before you to prepare the way. Your part is to follow My leading onto the proper path.
Don't be like the Israelites who wandered for forty years because of their griping and grumbling and unbelief. The walk was only two weeks, but they refused to follow My leading and they wandered needlessly.
My paths lead to the abundant life. Choose to follow My paths and find it.
Love, God
John 10:10; Matthew 7:14; Deuteronomy 28:1-14

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