Friday, January 15, 2010


Dear One,
Let My words that I speak to you steep like tea in hot water. Truth will emerge just like the tea leaches from the tea leaves into hot water. The leaves need to sit in the water for a while to get all of the benefits of the tea leaves.
Do the same with truth that you speak to other people. Let it sit there inside of their minds without interference. I will apply the water of My Spirit to reveal it to them.
I am responsible for the revelation. You aren't.
Then I will add truth to the original truth if My children will ask for it and allow Me to send it. It might come from various sources, from My written Word, from friends, from newspaper articles, from media sources and, yes, from My Holy Spirit. I will confirm truth to you any way I can get it to you and I will enlarge on it to help make your life enjoyable in the earth.
Seeking truth and speaking truth is your business, but confirming truth and unfolding truth is My business. Leave My work to me.
Otherwise, you cast pearls before swine who will trample on it and rob you of the power of that truth.
Love, God
John 8:32; Matthew 6:32; John 15:26; Matthew 7:6

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