Tuesday, January 19, 2010


"The Peaceful Entrance to our Home"
Dear One,
You've heard it said that home is where the heart is. Home is where there is peace and contentment. Keep peace with everyone and you will be at home anywhere and everywhere.
It is written, "Where there is strife there is every evil work. " By that same principle, if there is peace and unity there is every good work.
Keep peace with all men and My peace will continue to be around you and in you.
Keeping peace with others involves an attitude of harmony with everyone, even where there are differences in behavior, beliefs, interests, attitudes and politics.
Strife promotes conflicts, disagreements and wars.
Peace promotes blessings and prosperity.
Choose peace with all men and you will live in My blessings and be prosperous in all your ways.
Love, God
Philippians 2:3; James 3:16-18

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