Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Dear One,
Be patient with all men, especially those who hold opposing views from you, opposing philosophies, opposing theologies, opposing cultures, opposing traditions. Every person is entitled to his own thoughts and beliefs. I allow all men the freedom to choose, why shouldn't you?
You know that those who try to influence you by trying to force their beliefs on you are motivated by opposing spirits who delight in the turmoil that they instigate. When y0u participate in the turmoil you have championed the cause of the opposing spirits because their purpose was to disturb your peace and your love and your joy. That is why I told you to turn the other cheek, meaning don't participate in any emotional battles.
Don't volunteer to enlist in the war between opposing religious views or political views or cultural views or behavioral views. Declare yourself ineligible for the draft because you are a conscientious objector to strife. Where there is strife there is every evil work. Tell the demons who try to engage you in conflict that the war is over for you and you have won the war by refusing to participate in their conflict.
Sign up for peace between men, not war. Enlist in the peace army. My army always brings peace to any and all situations. Wear peace on your sleeve and as medals on your chest. Your brother Jesus is the head of that army because He is the Prince of Peace.
When I said that your enemy would fall at your left side and right side and they would in no way harm you, I meant that you would have My power to reject the thoughts and appeals of turmoil and it would fall to the earth without accomplishing what is intended to accomplish, which was your destruction. Remember that your battle is never with flesh and blood, it's always with demonic powers of the air. So your weapons are spiritual weapons, prayer, love, peace, mercy, goodness, kindness and joy. Join the peace brigade and bring peace to the world.
Love, God
Ephesians 6:12-19; Matthew 5 and 6; Psalm 91

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