Enjoy every day, knowing that I am working in your behalf to redeem all that has been lost, performing marvelous works in your behalf so that your life in the earth will be abundant, blessed and enjoyable.
I gave the earth to men to enjoy and to have as their own. Even though alien spirits were allowed to enter and gain authority for a while, you know that all authority was given back to My children at the resurrection of your brother Jesus
So your earth is yours to enjoy again, the beauty of it and the resources of it. You can enjoy it as long as you exert your authority over the alien spirits who are still hanging around you in an effort to entice you into their temptations. You have My gift of discerning of spirits to recognize them.
Remember all the time that the earth is yours and it longs to be redeemed just like you are redeemed. You can redeem your little part of the earth, tending it and keeping it cleansed by the blood of Jesus just like you are cleansed by His blood in the person of the Holy Spirit. Every area of your life which you allow Him to enter becomes redeemed and cleanses by your permission.
Enjoy life and enjoy the earth's beauty. It was created for you. I'm working to perfect it with your cooperation.
Exert your authority over everything that would rob or steal your joy, your love, your faith or your peace from you. They know that they have to obey you because I live in you.
Love, God
Genesis 1:26; John 6:63; Romans 8:26-27; Romans 8:34-39; Mark 1:27; I Corinthians 1:30-31; Ephesians 1:6-9; Ephesians 5:26-27;
Photos: a little piece of our earth
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