Monday, December 22, 2014
Dear One
Jesus did not intentionally cause turmoil in the earth when He began His ministry. His ministry of love and healing brought the wrath of satan down upon Him through the religious leaders at the time because of the difference between their ministries of guilt and condemnation and the ministry of Jesus which relieved the people of guilt and condemnation, healed their sick, mended the broken hearted and gave freedom to the captives of ineffective religions.(Matthew 10:34-42)
His teachings of My wisdom were the sword that He wielded. He did not use a metal sword to injure people, but He used My words which set people free. He said that His words pruned from them the works of the devil caused by his temptations and through religious ineffectiveness, cutting off dead, withered branches which had died from lack of true spiritual nourishment. He spoke words which brought life instead of words which brought death. That is why people flocked to hear His words of life, leaving behind the teachings delivered from their temples which brought death, guilt and condemnation. (John 5:20; Philippians 2:16)
Because of His life giving words and the resulting freedom of people, families were divided, churches were empty and religious leaders were inflamed by satan to oppose Jesus, His teachings and also oppose His followers. The truths spoken by Jesus set the people free and revealed how ineffective their religions had become. You know the end results, the crucifying of Jesus. They played right into My hands because Jesus was destined to die for the very sins that were caused by satan through religious doctrines. Through Him the payment was made for the sins of all mankind. My children became the recipients of My Holy Spirit who gives the power to reject evil temptations and reveals My truths to My children. My truths set you free. (John 16:13-14; John 8:32)
The Prince of Peace didn’t purposely cause trouble. It was His words of wisdom and His ministry of freeing people from religious and demonic bondage that caused the problem. Religious leaders, prompted by satan, did not want to lose control of the people, Instead of rejoicing in the freedom of the people, they plotted to kill the one who set people free. When they accomplished that crucifixion it worked against them because it accomplished the ministry of Jesus which was to set all people free and provide the payment to their sins. (Romans 10;8)
His sword of the Spirit is in your mouth today, the words of My Holy Spirit in His prayer language and the revealed words which enlighten the minds of My children and continue to set them free. (Romans 8:26-28
Don’t fret and worry when family and friends reject you because of My power and your seeking of My truth. Continue to love them and bless them instead of curse them. The more freedom you experience, the more they will want what you have, which is My everlasting peace accomplished only by knowing Jesus Christ, the Anointed One.
Your love and your prayers will turn the hearts of your accusers toward you and toward Me, causing them to want the same love and truth inside of them that you have. Then they will become free also, free indeed.
Your Loving Father
Romans 8:2-11.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Dear One,
My Son Jesus came to earth to destroy the works of the devil. In doing that, His ministry was not received by religious leaders and their followers who had their own agendas and their own beliefs relating to the coming of the Messiah, the Savior of the world. They refused to believe in Him and so their rebellion to Him caused division between families. That is why He said that when He came to earth there would often be division in families between those who believed in Him as the Savior of the world and those who believed that He was a fraud. The unbelievers persecuted the believers and so peace between them was not present. (I John 3:8; Matthew 10:34-42)
However, peace within the souls of the believers was in answer to their need for comfort and peace with Me. The believers were spiritually elated to be in unity with Me, even to the loss of earthly family unity. Often it is the same today. Powerless religious people persecute those who experience the miracle of the new birth and the baptism in My Holy Spirit. So the sword of which Jesus spoke that He wielded was toward the devil and his presence in the lives of the religious people who were satisfied with their powerless doctrines which added burdens to people instead of relieving them of their burdens. To the religious people their laws became their gods. When My Son came to earth and worked outside of their laws, He was declared evil instead of good. His existence brought division between people. I took that risk when I sent Him to earth, but I knew that when the believers were able to become like Me that our relationship would produce the love necessary to convince the unbelievers that My gifts to them would bring peace within themselves and in their lives. Belief would then flood them and they would become believers in Me, receiving My peace themselves.(Galatians 5:6)
I later taught My children that My words are the sword of the Spirit that Jesus wielded and that they must also wield against the works of the devil. I said that flesh and blood are never enemies of Me or My children, the only enemies are the demonic principalities and powers, the demons who cause all evil and unbelief in the world. (Ephesians 6:10-18)
So My written words and spoken words yield that two edged sword necessary to defeat the works of evil in the earth. They accomplished much when spoken by Jesus and He said that My children would do more wonderful works because He came back to me and sent My power, My Holy Spirit, into the earth to be received by My children to empower them to destroy the works of the devil. My power of My Spirit changes curses into blessings, changes depression into elation, changes sadness into joy, changes the bodies, souls and spirits of My children into My character images in the earth. (II Corinthians 5:17-23)
My words prayed by My Holy Spirit are the power necessary to defeat the works of the devil. Pray in the Spirit at all times and see evil fall at your feet. (Ephesians 6:18)
Your Loving Father
Acts 10:36-45
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Dear One,
We have talked about how on the birth of Jesus that My will for the earth and for people was proclaimed by My angels when they announced, “Peace on earth, good will towards men.” So, my will is all good things for My children and that there be peace on earth through the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. My will and testament is that My children will use My power to choose good things instead of evil things, choose My blessings instead of the devil’s curses. So My will should never be confusing, never be hidden from My children again as satan caused it to be darkened and hidden under the old covenant with a nation. (Romans 11:9-10)
My Holy Spirit said through James that there is no shadow of turning in Me, with My turning into good sometimes and turning into evil at other times. He said that all good and perfect gifts come from Me. When you have that revelation as your firm foundation, you will never be deceived again as to My character. My true and everlasting personality is love, mercy, kindness, goodness, joy, faithfulness and patience. (James 1:12-18; Galatians 5:22)
When My good will comes into your life with the indwelling of My Holy Spirit, who is the executor of My will, then as My child you become an ambassador of My will, which is peace of earth, and an administrator of My good will, which is to love all people as I love you. It is two-fold, bringing peace to every situation and doing good to all people. That is My desire for My children, to share their good fortune that comes from My goodness with everyone with whom they come into contact. That is the only way that peace can come into the earth.
Unfortunately, My children have their own times of having “shadows of turning” when they become agents of the devil instead of My ambassadors. That happens when they fall for the temptations of the devil to become his agent instead of My ambassador. When that happens, My blessings are thwarted because of their change of allegiance from My family to the family of the devil. However, I make it easy to return to Me and again receive My blessings. Your choice to return to My favor is immediate, but often the delay of receiving My blessings often lasts for a while because of the bad seeds you sowed in obedience to the evil one. But, with faith and patience, you will receive My promises. (Romans 6:7-10; I John 1:8)
To be My ambassadors in the earth, spreading peace and good will to all people, you must have the power of My Spirit. He is the Spirit of Truth, the revealer of My love and My dispenser of wisdom to My children. He gives wisdom freely to those who ask in faith, never wavering. He will show you all things necessary to enable you to be the peacemakers who are called My children. When you speak peace and keep peace, you are identified in the earth and heavens as My child, receiving your full inheritance. (James 1:2-8)
The beneficiary of an inheritance must be properly identified before the inheritance is dispensed to him or her. Peacemakers are always identified as My children. Dispensers of My good will are always identified as My children, llegal recipients of My inheritance to them. Verify your identity by spreading love and peace in the earth.
Your Gracious Father -
Matthew 5:9; Luke 12;32
Friday, December 19, 2014
Dear One,
My will is peace on earth, and it is My will that all good will be present in your life at all times. That was the proclamation that the angels made upon the birth of the Savior when I sent Him to earth. My message from heaven through Him is that My desire for all of My children is that they have peace in their lives and that they will revel in all of My good things that I have prepared for them. That is My good will for all of My creation. (Luke 2:14)
There are people who pray “if it be thy will” relating to healing, prosperity, emotional and social peace. The proclamation of the angels declared My will in all matters. They said peace is My will and good things for all of My children is My will. Nowhere in My Instruction Book do I say that bad things are My will toward My children. It says that it’s My good pleasure to give you My entire kingdom. My Son proclaimed it, so that statement reveals My will also. (Luke 12:32)
Anyone who births a child and says that it’s the will of the parents that bad things happen to that child is a monster and is speaking from the bowels of hell. At the birth into the earth of My Son, I commissioned the angels to proclaim My will for all people, that being that through Jesus there is the possibility of having peace on earth and through Him My will is that My goodness will prevail.
The teachers and preachers who don’t know My will are the ones who only know Me by the hearing of their ears, being taught by other people who also know facts about Me but do not intimately know Me. They are like Job when he was uninformed about what was at the basis of the curses in his life and he entertained the thoughts that I was the dispenser of evil. When he sought Me and I appeared to him, he said that when he became intimately acquainted with Me that He knew that I am not the dispenser of evil but I am the dispenser of good only. All of his curses were reversed by Me when he became unified with Me instead of being motivated by fear. (Job 42:1-6)
There are multitudes of people who call themselves by My name who don’t know Me personally, so they don’t know My will in difficult matters. Without knowing My will in matters, it is impossible to have faith for Me to turn the bad events into My good blessings. If you are ambivalent about My will toward you, then you are unbelieving about My ability to turn mourning into dancing and gird you with gladness by bringing My goodness into your life. Psalm 30:11.
Paul spent years alone in the desert getting to know Me intimately. He prayed that My children would be so rooted and grounded in My love that they will intimately know Me instead of merely knowing about Me. He also prayed that after becoming deeply rooted in My love that you will also intimately know the power of My Holy Spirit, who is present in the earth with the commission of revealing My will, My goodness, My kindness, My love, My mercy to you and then empower you to defeat the evil one in the earth who brings curses upon you. Paul’s advice is to be strong in faith like Abraham, being persuaded that what I promise I WILL perform. (Romans 4:20-21)
Your Loving Father
Ephesians 3:14-20 and 1:15-22.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Dear One,
My unconditional love is completely unfettered. It never stops flowing to My creation because I am Love. It says in My Instruction Book that there is nothing in the heavens or in the earth that can separate you from My Love. Even if you choose to separate yourself from Me, My Love still flows from Me to you. (Romans 8:35-39)
That truth is demonstrated in the story of the Prodigal Son. The son left the father but the father’s love never stopped. The family benefits stopped temporarily but the love never stopped, as evidenced by the glorious welcome home party when the son returned. My Love has powers that completely restore and revitalize My rebellious children, erasing the mistakes and misdeeds from My memory and giving to My children the crown of life.
Another truth in My Book that needs to be revealed to all of my children is, “As He is, so are you in the world.” As I am in the heavens toward My children, so must you be in the world toward them, loving, kind, merciful and gracious, forgiving their sins and rebellions. (I John 4:16-19)
My Love covers a multitude of your sins and the sins of others. When you extend My unconditional Love to others, your sins are eliminated and their sins are eliminated. They are constricted, meaning that the evil spirits whose temptations caused the problem will be squeezed out of the lives of My children because evil cannot remain where My Love is in abundance.
You must seek a revelation of My Love. That is one of the admonitions in My Book, that you pray for and seek a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of My love in its fullness. When you are rooted and grounded in My Love for you, I will be able to do superabundantly more than you can dare think or imagine, according to the power of My Love in you. (Ephesians 3:14-20.)
As was revealed by My Holy Spirit to Paul, you can have faith to do miracles, speak in spiritual tongues and sacrifice everything but if you don’t have My Love operating in you, you will be nothing and have nothing because only My Love gives power to faith. Miracles follow after Love. Answered prayers follow after love because I am Love.(Romans 5:5)
My Spirit taught that love must be without dissimulation, meaning it must be unchanging from one person to another, being constant, loving the unlovely as well as the lovely. Love the person of low esteem just as completely as you love the people of high esteem. Love the sinner as much as you love the righteous. I do. (Romans 12:9-13)
If your faith and patience are not producing the answers to your prayers, you should assess your revelation of the height, depth, breadth and width of My Love for you and for everyone. Therein lies the real spiritual power to overcome every trial or temptation and receive the answers to your prayers. Faith works by love. (Galatians 5:6-9)
Your Loving Father
II Corinthians 5:17-21; I Corinthians 13; 1-8.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Dear One,
Attitudes create spiritual atmospheres. Attitudes project energy which can either be beneficial energy or detrimental energy, either good or bad, which affects the outcome of your prayers. Your attitudes of love produce positive energy which add atomic power boosts to your faith because faith works by love.
Love is the spiritual atmosphere in which your faith flourishes and produces the answer to all of your prayers. Faith works by love.
My Holy Spirit said through Paul that even if you have faith to move mountains and don’t have love you are nothing and will have nothing. My Spirit said that you can have all the knowledge available to people but if you don’t have love, you are nothing. He said that you can speak with tongues of men and angels, but if you don’t have love you are like a clanging cymbal. He said you can give away everything you have or give your body to be burned for a religious or political cause, but if you don’t have love you gain nothing. In other words, your faith is powerless without love. Faith works by love. I Corinthians 13
Disgust, hatred, anger, rants and raves, dissension, discord and strife toward others suck the spiritual power out of your faith. That is one reason why the prayers of My children don’t seem to be answered. It’s not that I haven’t answered your prayers, it’s that your negative and divisive attitudes have deflated the power of faith to where it is nothing. Faith only works by love. Romans 12:10
My Spirit has taught My children that love is greater than faith. I said that faith, hope and love will abide forever but the greatest is love. Love is My character and personality. I am Love. Nowhere in My Instruction Book do I profess to be faith. Nowhere do I profess to be hope. I have faith in the works of My Spirit, but I don’t only HAVE love; because I AM Love. Love emanates from Me because it is My being, My character. Because of My love for My creation, the result was sending My Son to redeem it. That could only happen because I am Love.
You can become Love also when My love for you is revealed to you by My Holy Spirit. He will remove the veil from your mind which was placed there by the religious demons who have taught that I judge, condemn and punish My children. My Spirit will reveal to you that love conquers everything. Love is what makes the lion lay down with the lamb. Love is what makes My children love the unlovely. Love is what makes My children understand the plights of the unloved, the unhealthy, the unclothed, the homeless, the starving, the demon possessed, the robber, the killer and the abusers. Love is what makes My children look beyond the flesh of others and see their spirits, just like I do.
When you understand that faith works by the power and attitudes of love that you emit, then nothing is impossible and all things will work together for your good. Yes, even what looks to you like evil circumstances; I can make them work together for your good when faith in you works by your loving everyone as I love you. Romans 8:28.
Your Loving, Faithful Father -
Ephesians 6:23; Galatians 5:5-6; I John 4:18-21; I Peter 1:21-22.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Dear One,
My grace is sufficient. You don’t need to do anything to gain My favor. It is unmerited. My grace is dispensed from My heart to all of My children because of My love for all of My creation. That is why Jesus died for the whole world, because of My love for all of My creation.
I said from the beginning that everything I created is good. I adored the products of My creative ability from the beginning and My adoration never stopped, even though the children who were created in My image allowed and still allow evil spirits to invade My creation and curse it. My favor never stops because My grace, My unmerited favor, is sufficient. It is unnecessary to do anything that will gain My favor because of My grace, My unmerited favor toward all of My creation.
You cannot work enough to gain My favor. It is free. You cannot learn enough to gain My favor. It is free. You cannot save enough souls to gain My favor. It is free. You cannot sacrifice enough to gain My favor. It is free. Everything is freely given to you because of My grace, My unmerited favor. (II Corinthians 12:9)
There are beings of whom you can merit their favor. They are other people. Favor always follows wisdom. If you will read about Solomon, My wisdom in him caused kings and priests to bring riches to him to leave at his feet just to hear his wisdom which came as a gift from Me. In your world people don’t leave riches at your feet, but they will love you, embrace you and favor you because of My wisdom which is freely given by Me to you and which you must access to cause you to be successful in your spiritual and earthly life. (I Kings 4:34; I Kings 10:4-13)
My wisdom, which is free for you to receive, will also attract My angelic hosts to bring My blessings into your life. The foolishness of men has neither gained the respect and favor of other humans nor of My angelic hosts. My angels are programmed to bring My blessings to those of My children who have accessed My wisdom and knowledge, which are free and abundant in quantity.
My wisdom which is a gift from My Holy Spirit is always available. It solves all problems. It gives insight into the reason for your problems. It reveals to you My love, My grace, My goodness, My personality and My graciousness toward you. (James 1:5-8)
My nuggets of wisdom which you access are portions of My thoughts and mental exercises relating to everything in your life. My wisdom makes you an overcomer instead of a victim. It makes you the head and not the tail. It causes you to bear the identification of being My child which is paramount to the angelic forces bringing My blessings to you. Wisdom comes from an intimate relationship with Me which was made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus and My promise from the beginning of time when I promised that the relationship between My children and Me would be completely restored. That promise is fulfilled when My children accept My Holy Spirit into their lives. Jesus said My Spirit dispenses Truth, truth being wisdom. John:16:13.
My grace which is my unmerited favor cannot be earned. It is a gift. Make your favor toward others free.
Your Loving and Gracious Father-
II Corinthians 9:8.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Dear One,
LET there be peace on earth. There again is that little word which means so much, LET. Remember that we talked about that before, that the word LET means that as an act of your will you will allow something.
Until the crucifixion of Jesus and the entry into the world of My Holy Spirit, there was no power available for there to be peace on earth between individuals, between family members, between acquaintance, between strangers, between diverse nationalities and between countries. When My Holy Spirit became available to be received by My children is when there became the possibility for there to be peace on earth.
The acceptance of Jesus and His payment for sins was and is still necessary to purify vessels, the spirits of people, before My Holy Spirit can move into those purified vessels and take up residence, bringing My peace with Him, also My love, My goodness, My kindness, My mercy, My faith, My joy and My patience. With My power that is resident in My Spirit inside of you, it is possible for you to LET there be peace in the small portion of your world. Then peace in my children can begin to incorporate others in the ministry of peace, engulfing them in My love and My mercy, which are at the basis of all peace.
So LETTING there be peace in your small portion of the earth is what you are called to do as My child. All of My prophets and writers after the New Covenant of Love was instituted have spoken about peace and that My children must strife to keep peace with everyone. The precursor to keeping peace with everyone is your keeping peace within your own thoughts and attitudes. My Spirit of Peace is resident inside of you to give you peace with Me and He will give you the power to minister peace to everyone. That can only happen when you are walking in the revelation of My love for you and for all of mankind. Then keeping peace is easy because you have faith that keeping peace will cause your prayers to be answered because you will be identified as My child to all spiritual beings in heaven and to all people in the earth.
You don’t need to be in complete agreement religiously or politically with others to keep peace. All you have to do is recognize their rights to believe what they have been taught to believe; in other words, their free will which I gave to you and all of humanity. So keeping peace does not mean complete unity of beliefs. It means that you grant free will to them just like I do. You respect their right to have their own opinions. You can have harmony with them if you LET them have their own beliefs and opinions and respect their right to have them. There can be harmony in that atmosphere. Remember that I told you that you can be a C on the musical scale when someone is a G. BUT if someone is an F# you can become an A# in order to harmonize with the person. Finding areas of agreement are what it means to LET there be peace on earth.
Make it your mission to LET there be peace in your portion of the earth by sowing peace seeds as My child.
Your Loving, Peaceful Father - Psalm 37:1; Luke 2:14; Matthew 5:9; Colossians 1:19-20; Romans 12:18-19; Hebrews 12; 14-15.
LET there be peace on earth. There again is that little word which means so much, LET. Remember that we talked about that before, that the word LET means that as an act of your will you will allow something.
Until the crucifixion of Jesus and the entry into the world of My Holy Spirit, there was no power available for there to be peace on earth between individuals, between family members, between acquaintance, between strangers, between diverse nationalities and between countries. When My Holy Spirit became available to be received by My children is when there became the possibility for there to be peace on earth.
The acceptance of Jesus and His payment for sins was and is still necessary to purify vessels, the spirits of people, before My Holy Spirit can move into those purified vessels and take up residence, bringing My peace with Him, also My love, My goodness, My kindness, My mercy, My faith, My joy and My patience. With My power that is resident in My Spirit inside of you, it is possible for you to LET there be peace in the small portion of your world. Then peace in my children can begin to incorporate others in the ministry of peace, engulfing them in My love and My mercy, which are at the basis of all peace.
So LETTING there be peace in your small portion of the earth is what you are called to do as My child. All of My prophets and writers after the New Covenant of Love was instituted have spoken about peace and that My children must strife to keep peace with everyone. The precursor to keeping peace with everyone is your keeping peace within your own thoughts and attitudes. My Spirit of Peace is resident inside of you to give you peace with Me and He will give you the power to minister peace to everyone. That can only happen when you are walking in the revelation of My love for you and for all of mankind. Then keeping peace is easy because you have faith that keeping peace will cause your prayers to be answered because you will be identified as My child to all spiritual beings in heaven and to all people in the earth.
You don’t need to be in complete agreement religiously or politically with others to keep peace. All you have to do is recognize their rights to believe what they have been taught to believe; in other words, their free will which I gave to you and all of humanity. So keeping peace does not mean complete unity of beliefs. It means that you grant free will to them just like I do. You respect their right to have their own opinions. You can have harmony with them if you LET them have their own beliefs and opinions and respect their right to have them. There can be harmony in that atmosphere. Remember that I told you that you can be a C on the musical scale when someone is a G. BUT if someone is an F# you can become an A# in order to harmonize with the person. Finding areas of agreement are what it means to LET there be peace on earth.
Make it your mission to LET there be peace in your portion of the earth by sowing peace seeds as My child.
Your Loving, Peaceful Father - Psalm 37:1; Luke 2:14; Matthew 5:9; Colossians 1:19-20; Romans 12:18-19; Hebrews 12; 14-15.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Dear One,
I have asked My children for generations to keep peace with everyone. Is it possible? Yes, but only in the power of My Holy Spirit. My Spirit keeps peace with everyone in a spirit of forgiveness. Only by operating in the same spirit of forgiveness can a person keep peace with everyone. And only having the wisdom and knowledge that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world can a person operate in a spirit of forgiveness in order to keep peace. He didn’t die only for the people in your church, your family, your state, your country, your nationality, your government, your political party, your prayer group or your social acquaintances. He died for the sins of the whole world so that there would be peace on earth. I John 2:1-3.
There is a method, a key to keeping peace with everyone. Jesus taught you that there are keys to My kingdom and He said that you must learn them. The first key to keeping peace is to keep peace with everyone in your thoughts. When thoughts of judgment, condemnation, dissension and discord enter into your mind, right there is where you must stop those thoughts, recognize them as what they are, temptations to become unmerciful to someone. Cast those thoughts out and replace them with merciful thoughts, peaceful thoughts and forgiving thoughts for the person. Your forgiveness erases all spiritual punishment and calls for My kingdom to enter into their lives. Practice sowing peace. John 20:21-23.
The Holy Spirit said that you should cast down EVERY thought and imagination that exalts itself against My knowledge and revelation of what Christ did for that person on the cross. He said to bring EVERY thought into the obedience of Christ. EVERY thought means EVERY thought that is not a thought of love, grace and forgiveness. My Holy Spirit said that all wars happen because of your passions, your attitudes which have grown from judgmental thoughts into attitudes of discord and disharmony.
If you want peace in your life, take this key and use it by being a watchman who catches EVERY thought which is not a thought of love and grace toward others. The evil thoughts are planted in your garden of life so that you will
lose your peace and become in conflict with others. When one area of conflict takes over your mind, it takes over your soul also and your attitudes will produce disharmony in your body and mind. People are sick and dying because they yielded to the temptation of the evil one to judge others instead of forgiving them and praying for them. It all starts with thoughts. Then thoughts become attitudes. Attitudes have passionate power behind them either for good or evil. The energy behind evil attitudes are the cause of all disharmony in families, in relationships and in your world. Jesus often taught about those harmful attitudes.
People who bring peace are called My children. People who sow discord in the earth are called the children of the evil one. It all starts with thoughts. Arrest negative thoughts, cast them out and replace them with forgiving, loving thoughts, restoring the judged person in the spirit of grace. Then your life will become peaceful with good actions.
Your Forgiving, Loving Father-
I have asked My children for generations to keep peace with everyone. Is it possible? Yes, but only in the power of My Holy Spirit. My Spirit keeps peace with everyone in a spirit of forgiveness. Only by operating in the same spirit of forgiveness can a person keep peace with everyone. And only having the wisdom and knowledge that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world can a person operate in a spirit of forgiveness in order to keep peace. He didn’t die only for the people in your church, your family, your state, your country, your nationality, your government, your political party, your prayer group or your social acquaintances. He died for the sins of the whole world so that there would be peace on earth. I John 2:1-3.
There is a method, a key to keeping peace with everyone. Jesus taught you that there are keys to My kingdom and He said that you must learn them. The first key to keeping peace is to keep peace with everyone in your thoughts. When thoughts of judgment, condemnation, dissension and discord enter into your mind, right there is where you must stop those thoughts, recognize them as what they are, temptations to become unmerciful to someone. Cast those thoughts out and replace them with merciful thoughts, peaceful thoughts and forgiving thoughts for the person. Your forgiveness erases all spiritual punishment and calls for My kingdom to enter into their lives. Practice sowing peace. John 20:21-23.
The Holy Spirit said that you should cast down EVERY thought and imagination that exalts itself against My knowledge and revelation of what Christ did for that person on the cross. He said to bring EVERY thought into the obedience of Christ. EVERY thought means EVERY thought that is not a thought of love, grace and forgiveness. My Holy Spirit said that all wars happen because of your passions, your attitudes which have grown from judgmental thoughts into attitudes of discord and disharmony.
If you want peace in your life, take this key and use it by being a watchman who catches EVERY thought which is not a thought of love and grace toward others. The evil thoughts are planted in your garden of life so that you will
lose your peace and become in conflict with others. When one area of conflict takes over your mind, it takes over your soul also and your attitudes will produce disharmony in your body and mind. People are sick and dying because they yielded to the temptation of the evil one to judge others instead of forgiving them and praying for them. It all starts with thoughts. Then thoughts become attitudes. Attitudes have passionate power behind them either for good or evil. The energy behind evil attitudes are the cause of all disharmony in families, in relationships and in your world. Jesus often taught about those harmful attitudes.
People who bring peace are called My children. People who sow discord in the earth are called the children of the evil one. It all starts with thoughts. Arrest negative thoughts, cast them out and replace them with forgiving, loving thoughts, restoring the judged person in the spirit of grace. Then your life will become peaceful with good actions.
Your Forgiving, Loving Father-
II Corinthians 10:5; Ephesians 4:3 and 32; Matthew 5:28; Matthew 5:9; James 1:12-18.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Dear One,
I compare waiting for the glorious answer to your prayers to the incubation period before the birth of a child. During the time that the child is forming into a perfect being, rejoicing is experienced by the parents because they know without a doubt that there will be a child born.
My children need to take that example to heart, that the waiting period from conception to birth must be met with joyful exultation, faithful expectation and assurance that the incubation period will produce the promise.
When a fetus is born prematurely, there are complications relating to physical and mental development.
Carrying a fetus to full term produces a child who will be complete, having been perfectly formed in the womb.
The same thing relates to waiting for the answers to prayers. Because of impatience, if you want a malformed answer to your prayers, then you will either demand My 100% attention to your problem or you will take the matter into your own hands and the results will be an under developed answer, one which was jerked out of My hands and the hands of My angels, birthed prematurely, one with which you will struggle forever. Take My advice and rejoice during the incubation period, trusting that the matter already has My complete attention, knowing that My loyalty to all of My children is forever 100%.
The emotional struggle which comes from waiting is what causes My children to become impatient and either have a spiritual tantrum, losing faith, and jerking the matter away from Me in an effort to put their own weak orchestrations to work which produce malformed answers.
Choosing to rejoice instead of doubting, choosing to speak the things that are not yet evident as though they were already perfected by My power are valuable ways to think and act in the incubation period. I gave My children that admonition for their benefit, not for Mine. I gave those actions as ways for you to defeat the works of the devil who uses your thoughts, emotions and actions against you. They are ways to choose between good and evil.
Lack of knowledge is at the basis of impatience in waiting for answers to your prayers. My children who believe that I am sovereign, with the power to go hocus-pocus and things in their lives are changed in answer to your demands, those people do not know Me and My plan for the earth. Yes, I could immediately throw the devil out of a situation and perfect everything concerning you if I had not given the earth to humans in the beginning, so I have to spiritually work within their wills (choices) and their power and authority. I have to change thoughts, attitudes and actions of people, have to change situations, have to change circumstances so that they are in line with My will in the matter. It takes time in the earth for Me to accomplish those feats, but I will -- yes, I said I will -- work in your behalf to birth a perfect answer every time. Work with Me, not against Me.
Please take My advice, rejoicing during the incubation time, proclaiming My abilities and powers to produce the answers to your prayers, and praying in the Spirit which allows Me to get My saving actions more quickly into the matter. Wait patiently for a perfect answer, not a malformed one.
Your Loving Father-
I compare waiting for the glorious answer to your prayers to the incubation period before the birth of a child. During the time that the child is forming into a perfect being, rejoicing is experienced by the parents because they know without a doubt that there will be a child born.
My children need to take that example to heart, that the waiting period from conception to birth must be met with joyful exultation, faithful expectation and assurance that the incubation period will produce the promise.
When a fetus is born prematurely, there are complications relating to physical and mental development.
Carrying a fetus to full term produces a child who will be complete, having been perfectly formed in the womb.
The same thing relates to waiting for the answers to prayers. Because of impatience, if you want a malformed answer to your prayers, then you will either demand My 100% attention to your problem or you will take the matter into your own hands and the results will be an under developed answer, one which was jerked out of My hands and the hands of My angels, birthed prematurely, one with which you will struggle forever. Take My advice and rejoice during the incubation period, trusting that the matter already has My complete attention, knowing that My loyalty to all of My children is forever 100%.
The emotional struggle which comes from waiting is what causes My children to become impatient and either have a spiritual tantrum, losing faith, and jerking the matter away from Me in an effort to put their own weak orchestrations to work which produce malformed answers.
Choosing to rejoice instead of doubting, choosing to speak the things that are not yet evident as though they were already perfected by My power are valuable ways to think and act in the incubation period. I gave My children that admonition for their benefit, not for Mine. I gave those actions as ways for you to defeat the works of the devil who uses your thoughts, emotions and actions against you. They are ways to choose between good and evil.
Lack of knowledge is at the basis of impatience in waiting for answers to your prayers. My children who believe that I am sovereign, with the power to go hocus-pocus and things in their lives are changed in answer to your demands, those people do not know Me and My plan for the earth. Yes, I could immediately throw the devil out of a situation and perfect everything concerning you if I had not given the earth to humans in the beginning, so I have to spiritually work within their wills (choices) and their power and authority. I have to change thoughts, attitudes and actions of people, have to change situations, have to change circumstances so that they are in line with My will in the matter. It takes time in the earth for Me to accomplish those feats, but I will -- yes, I said I will -- work in your behalf to birth a perfect answer every time. Work with Me, not against Me.
Please take My advice, rejoicing during the incubation time, proclaiming My abilities and powers to produce the answers to your prayers, and praying in the Spirit which allows Me to get My saving actions more quickly into the matter. Wait patiently for a perfect answer, not a malformed one.
Your Loving Father-
II Thessalonians 1:4-5; Hebrews 6:12
Friday, December 12, 2014
Dear One,
I want My children to practice saying what I say, “Not guilty,” when someone has yielded to temptation to make a mistake, a misdeed, a sin, a trespass, an iniquity or an assault. Only the innocent can pronounce another person as being not guilty.
You have been deemed not guilty because of Jesus Christ and His death, resurrection, ascension and His declaration of His payment for the sins of the whole world.
Since you have been pronounced not guilty, you have the righteous authority to pronounce others not guilty as far as My family is concerned and the courts of the heavens are concerned. There are civil courts whose laws demand their own jurisdiction on the flesh of law breakers, and they will prevail over the public law breakers; but as far as I am concerned, and as far as you are concerned, deeming them not guilty spiritually is your honor and privilege.
Pronouncing a person not guilty restores him or her to the benefits and blessings of My family. It also restores you, as an emotional participant in the offense, to My full blessings because you have released the person and yourself from the punishment that is required by the tempter of the sins, the devil. The devil’s punishment is destructive either spiritually, mentally, emotionally or physically. When you forgive others, the offense never happened as far as I am concerned and you are concerned. Everyone involved becomes white as snow.
Jesus gave His disciples the authority and power to forgive sins or to retain sins. Since My pleasure is to forgive all sins, it should be your pleasure to forgive them also. Jesus said that when a demon is cast out of a person that My kingdom comes upon that person. Likewise, when you forgive an offense, My kingdom with all of its benefits comes upon the person and yourself.
Make it your thought process that it is your good pleasure to forgive the sins and offenses of others. Jesus said when you do forgive others that your sins are forgiven also. That happens because to forgive means to release and when you release a person from the punishment of the offense you also release yourself if you have held the offense against the person. That is based upon the principle that what you bind on earth is bound in heaven and what you loose on earth is loosed in heaven. If you refuse to forgive a person, then you are bound to the person and bound to the devil’s punishment of the person. When you forgive the person, you release the person and release yourself from the evil punishment.
Proclaiming everyone not guilty in your eyes releases them from the devil’s process of exacting punishment and it releases you from the same demonic process.
It is My good pleasure to give My kingdom to all of My creation. Make it your good pleasure to give My kingdom to all of creation by forgiving every infraction of any civil or spiritual laws. When you can do that, you are free, completely free. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. You are My child, too, and you can set others free.
Your Forgiving and Loving Father - John 10:22-23; John 3:16-17; Matthew 6:12; Matthew 12;28; Luke 12:32; Matthew 16:19-20; I John 2:1-3; Philippians 2:13.
I want My children to practice saying what I say, “Not guilty,” when someone has yielded to temptation to make a mistake, a misdeed, a sin, a trespass, an iniquity or an assault. Only the innocent can pronounce another person as being not guilty.
You have been deemed not guilty because of Jesus Christ and His death, resurrection, ascension and His declaration of His payment for the sins of the whole world.
Since you have been pronounced not guilty, you have the righteous authority to pronounce others not guilty as far as My family is concerned and the courts of the heavens are concerned. There are civil courts whose laws demand their own jurisdiction on the flesh of law breakers, and they will prevail over the public law breakers; but as far as I am concerned, and as far as you are concerned, deeming them not guilty spiritually is your honor and privilege.
Pronouncing a person not guilty restores him or her to the benefits and blessings of My family. It also restores you, as an emotional participant in the offense, to My full blessings because you have released the person and yourself from the punishment that is required by the tempter of the sins, the devil. The devil’s punishment is destructive either spiritually, mentally, emotionally or physically. When you forgive others, the offense never happened as far as I am concerned and you are concerned. Everyone involved becomes white as snow.
Jesus gave His disciples the authority and power to forgive sins or to retain sins. Since My pleasure is to forgive all sins, it should be your pleasure to forgive them also. Jesus said that when a demon is cast out of a person that My kingdom comes upon that person. Likewise, when you forgive an offense, My kingdom with all of its benefits comes upon the person and yourself.
Make it your thought process that it is your good pleasure to forgive the sins and offenses of others. Jesus said when you do forgive others that your sins are forgiven also. That happens because to forgive means to release and when you release a person from the punishment of the offense you also release yourself if you have held the offense against the person. That is based upon the principle that what you bind on earth is bound in heaven and what you loose on earth is loosed in heaven. If you refuse to forgive a person, then you are bound to the person and bound to the devil’s punishment of the person. When you forgive the person, you release the person and release yourself from the evil punishment.
Proclaiming everyone not guilty in your eyes releases them from the devil’s process of exacting punishment and it releases you from the same demonic process.
It is My good pleasure to give My kingdom to all of My creation. Make it your good pleasure to give My kingdom to all of creation by forgiving every infraction of any civil or spiritual laws. When you can do that, you are free, completely free. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. You are My child, too, and you can set others free.
Your Forgiving and Loving Father - John 10:22-23; John 3:16-17; Matthew 6:12; Matthew 12;28; Luke 12:32; Matthew 16:19-20; I John 2:1-3; Philippians 2:13.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Dear One,
ASK in faith, never wavering.
PRAY in the Spirit, in season and out of season, whether or not you have a great need.
SPEAK your confidence in Me with no doubt, no fretting, no worrying, no negativity of any kind.
SEEK My wisdom, without wavering, refusing to be double minded.
REJOICE that the answer to your needs, wants and desires are on the way, praising Me for working in your behalf.
PATIENTLY wait for the answer to your prayers to be manifested in the earth, continuing to pray, speaking your confidence, seeking and receiving My wisdom and rejoicing at all times.
When you ASK in faith, you receive. The speed with which it is received by you depends upon your attitudes.
When you PRAY constantly in My Spirit, whether or not there is a need, I will cover any approaching need before it is evident to you.
When you SPEAK your trust in Me you are telling the spiritual beings in the heavens that you are trusting Me for the perfect answer to your prayers, plus you are telling other people that I am your source and hope.
When you REJOICE you are projecting deafening sounds into the ears of the demonic spirits behind any problem and they retreat because they can’t endure words that celebrate confidence and love for Me.
When you are PATIENT, you know that it takes time to bring the perfect solutions to every problem into the earth because My angels and I are having to change people, change circumstances and change the situation that created the problem. There will a perfect outcome, but the emotional suffering that accompanies the waiting period can be erased by your ability to glean wisdom from Me. Through My wisdom I will show you things to come, will reveal to you the changes that you need to make in order to speed up the perfect answer to your prayers.
Faith without spiritual works is dead. Often the answer to your prayers is blocked by your refusing to forgive a person who wronged you, or your refusing to love the person unconditionally, or your having ill feelings against the person, or your sowing strife into the earth by talking about someone. All of those are blockages set up by your demonically influenced emotions which close the spiritual highways upon which answers to prayers are transported.
I will alert you to the necessary emotional changes that need to be made in you and the person who wronged you. The key to My ability to change the person is your willingness to change your own thoughts, emotions and actions toward the person or persons. When you pray for the person and do good to the person who wronged you, you open the highway for the delivery of the answer to your prayers to be made. It comes from My love for you.
ASK, PRAY, SPEAK, SEEK, get WISDOM, REJOICE AND BE PATIENT. Then you will be amazed.
Your Loving Father Luke 11:7-10; Romans 8:25-28; Ephesians 4:29-30; James 1:4-7; Romans 12:11-13; Romans 12:12-21.
ASK in faith, never wavering.
PRAY in the Spirit, in season and out of season, whether or not you have a great need.
SPEAK your confidence in Me with no doubt, no fretting, no worrying, no negativity of any kind.
SEEK My wisdom, without wavering, refusing to be double minded.
REJOICE that the answer to your needs, wants and desires are on the way, praising Me for working in your behalf.
PATIENTLY wait for the answer to your prayers to be manifested in the earth, continuing to pray, speaking your confidence, seeking and receiving My wisdom and rejoicing at all times.
When you ASK in faith, you receive. The speed with which it is received by you depends upon your attitudes.
When you PRAY constantly in My Spirit, whether or not there is a need, I will cover any approaching need before it is evident to you.
When you SPEAK your trust in Me you are telling the spiritual beings in the heavens that you are trusting Me for the perfect answer to your prayers, plus you are telling other people that I am your source and hope.
When you REJOICE you are projecting deafening sounds into the ears of the demonic spirits behind any problem and they retreat because they can’t endure words that celebrate confidence and love for Me.
When you are PATIENT, you know that it takes time to bring the perfect solutions to every problem into the earth because My angels and I are having to change people, change circumstances and change the situation that created the problem. There will a perfect outcome, but the emotional suffering that accompanies the waiting period can be erased by your ability to glean wisdom from Me. Through My wisdom I will show you things to come, will reveal to you the changes that you need to make in order to speed up the perfect answer to your prayers.
Faith without spiritual works is dead. Often the answer to your prayers is blocked by your refusing to forgive a person who wronged you, or your refusing to love the person unconditionally, or your having ill feelings against the person, or your sowing strife into the earth by talking about someone. All of those are blockages set up by your demonically influenced emotions which close the spiritual highways upon which answers to prayers are transported.
I will alert you to the necessary emotional changes that need to be made in you and the person who wronged you. The key to My ability to change the person is your willingness to change your own thoughts, emotions and actions toward the person or persons. When you pray for the person and do good to the person who wronged you, you open the highway for the delivery of the answer to your prayers to be made. It comes from My love for you.
ASK, PRAY, SPEAK, SEEK, get WISDOM, REJOICE AND BE PATIENT. Then you will be amazed.
Your Loving Father Luke 11:7-10; Romans 8:25-28; Ephesians 4:29-30; James 1:4-7; Romans 12:11-13; Romans 12:12-21.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Dear One,
My patience with people has always been taxed into its full work because of the reluctance of My children to take My advice and My wisdom. You talk about plan B if something does not work out. I have used plans A, B, C, D, E, F, G and further until someone in the earth will follow My instructions and trust Me enough to do what I ask.
My plan for the redemption of My creation through the Son of God also becoming the Son of man was planned from the beginning when the first man fell from fellowship with Me and began to also fellowship with the evil one. Because I had given authority in the earth to people, there had to be prophesy through people concerning every aspect of the life of the Messiah. It took patience on My part to find men who would yield to Me enough to prophecy aspects of His birth, His ministry, His wisdom, His truth, His teaching, His miracles, His compassion, His death, His resurrection, His ascension and His relinquishing the Holy Spirit and sending Him to earth to continue the ministry of Jesus. Not everyone yielded immediately to My prompting to prophecy whichever aspect I wanted to be spoken at the time in order to get My plans of redemption into the earth.
My patience was necessary because of My compassion regarding the plights of My children caused by their obeying the voice of satan rather than obeying My voice. I wanted to immediately send My Savior into the earth, but the precise prophesy of His birth, life, ministry and death had to be prophesied before it could happen.
My patience with mankind is unending. My patience with My rebellious children who fraternize with evil spirits and then demand My loyalty by answering their prayers tries My patience constantly. There is no end to My patience with My children, even when they are seduced again and again to participate in their own destruction. When they return to Me and follow My Fatherly advice, they are restored to full favor with Me and My kingdom. Their suffering that came from their following the voice of evil instead of following My voice is immediately relieved and the crowns of life are placed on their heads.
Since My patience is everlasting, and the same patience is in your spirit in the person of My Holy Spirit, you must be patient with others who succumb to the voice of the evil one and retreat from the protection of My family. You must pray for them, lifting them above the elements of evil and restoring them to full favor with Me. You must do what Jesus said to do, forgive them, do good to them, and you will see their salvation and complete restoration.
Abraham spoke the things that were not as though they were, speaking faith statements before the culmination of My promises were evident. That is what faith statements do, speak the final works for which you pray before there is any evidence before your eyes. In other words, you prophecy the answer to your prayers, thanking Me for them, praising Me for My abilities to bring them to fruition. The answer to prayers spoken in faith become substance because you have prophesied them as being evident before they were visible. Speaking doubt and unbelief statements will not produce the answers to our prayers. When you do speak the answers to your prayers as though they already were evident, that faith provides the highways from heaven to earth for the answers to your prayers to become reality because you have confidently spoken your faith in Me.
My promises to My children make good prophesy words to speak when problems appear, speaking the good things that are not evident as through they are. In other words, you are saying, “My Heavenly Daddy can do anything,” and “I am persuaded that He is able to do whatever I commit to Him.”
Your Patient and Loving Father
Matthew 11:13-14; Matthew 13:13-17; Matthew 15:7-9; Matthew 12:34-37; II Timothy 1:12-13; Romans 4:16-22; Hebrews 11:1-3.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Dear One,
Some of My children erroneously teach others that I try their faith, sending horrible circumstances their way to see if they will be loyal to Me. Those people do not know Me and they do not know their enemy is the devil, the father of all destruction. Those people have not sought the revelation of My Holy Spirit which reveals evil as being from the devil and blessings as being from Me; seeking Me for discernment between the two entities in the heavens.
I do not test My children and their faith. I do not try My children to test their faith. Only an evil parent would do that. I live inside of My children. I know their loyalty and the strength of their faith. I am forever proving Myself to My children, proving My loyalty and My love to them.
Because of false beliefs of My character, some of My children believe that works of the devil work patience in My children. Most often they work defeat and a falling away from me rather than loyalty to Me. My Holy Spirit teaches that when problems come into your life that you must rejoice and PUT TO WORK the fruit of My patience, which is inside of you in the person of My Holy Spirit.
Patience is extended faith that persists even when things look bad to human eyes. It is the power of My Spirit which gives you assurance that My promises are true and that My promises will always be fulfilled.
Instead of putting My patience to work in their minds, very often My children will rant and rave at Me because I have not immediately answered their prayers. Their emotional suffering becomes overbearing because they don’t know the interactions between the physical world and the spiritual world. They don’t know that their own wills are being tested by the devil to see if he can tempt you to abandon Me and My promises to them.
My desire for you is that you will rejoice when problems persistently come in your life, letting the devil’s tests of your faith in Me draw upon the working or power of the patience of My Holy Spirit, refusing to be moved off of your solid rock of belief in My love for you and My determination to save you from the effects of the problems. My desire for you is that you will rejoice that the outcome of all problems will be My miraculous works in your behalf because you have trusted in Me.
Your faith and patience in Me gives Me the authority to bring My perfect, saving outcome in every situation, ones which will be blessings to you instead of the curses that come from the devil. The devil tested the faith and loyalty of Jesus and Jesus stood firmly upon His trust in Me. You must do likewise.
You can count it all joy when problems come from the evil one testing your faith, knowing that the end result of your faith and patience is a guaranteed glorious testimony of My love for you. It is My good pleasure to give you My kingdom and all the power and blessings that are resident in it. Know that your faith will be tested by the evil one, but when you rejoice, seek wisdom from Me, remain stable on the rock of faith and patience, you will receive the crown of life, proclaiming My victory in your battle.
Your Patient and Loving Father James 1.
Some of My children erroneously teach others that I try their faith, sending horrible circumstances their way to see if they will be loyal to Me. Those people do not know Me and they do not know their enemy is the devil, the father of all destruction. Those people have not sought the revelation of My Holy Spirit which reveals evil as being from the devil and blessings as being from Me; seeking Me for discernment between the two entities in the heavens.
I do not test My children and their faith. I do not try My children to test their faith. Only an evil parent would do that. I live inside of My children. I know their loyalty and the strength of their faith. I am forever proving Myself to My children, proving My loyalty and My love to them.
Because of false beliefs of My character, some of My children believe that works of the devil work patience in My children. Most often they work defeat and a falling away from me rather than loyalty to Me. My Holy Spirit teaches that when problems come into your life that you must rejoice and PUT TO WORK the fruit of My patience, which is inside of you in the person of My Holy Spirit.
Patience is extended faith that persists even when things look bad to human eyes. It is the power of My Spirit which gives you assurance that My promises are true and that My promises will always be fulfilled.
Instead of putting My patience to work in their minds, very often My children will rant and rave at Me because I have not immediately answered their prayers. Their emotional suffering becomes overbearing because they don’t know the interactions between the physical world and the spiritual world. They don’t know that their own wills are being tested by the devil to see if he can tempt you to abandon Me and My promises to them.
My desire for you is that you will rejoice when problems persistently come in your life, letting the devil’s tests of your faith in Me draw upon the working or power of the patience of My Holy Spirit, refusing to be moved off of your solid rock of belief in My love for you and My determination to save you from the effects of the problems. My desire for you is that you will rejoice that the outcome of all problems will be My miraculous works in your behalf because you have trusted in Me.
Your faith and patience in Me gives Me the authority to bring My perfect, saving outcome in every situation, ones which will be blessings to you instead of the curses that come from the devil. The devil tested the faith and loyalty of Jesus and Jesus stood firmly upon His trust in Me. You must do likewise.
You can count it all joy when problems come from the evil one testing your faith, knowing that the end result of your faith and patience is a guaranteed glorious testimony of My love for you. It is My good pleasure to give you My kingdom and all the power and blessings that are resident in it. Know that your faith will be tested by the evil one, but when you rejoice, seek wisdom from Me, remain stable on the rock of faith and patience, you will receive the crown of life, proclaiming My victory in your battle.
Your Patient and Loving Father James 1.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Dear One,
Spiritual patience, which is a fruit of My Spirit, is the willingness to wait for a perfect solution or result to appear. You notice I said “willingly.” That means waiting without griping, moaning, fretting, worrying, doubting or complaining. Remember that patience is the twin of faith because it is with faith and patience that you will inherit My promises.
Patience is an act of the will of your spirit caused by your incorporating the power of My wisdom and insight into the workings of My will in a matter, not the working of your fleshly will. You come to Me for My solutions because the acts of your own will have failed.
Patience is based upon your revelation knowledge that My will is what is needed to perfectly orchestrate strategies which bring satisfactory results and which will bring you happiness in a matter. That is why Jesus said to Me, “Not My will but Yours be done.”
My patience which is resident inside of you is the power to yield to My will even though it might involve emotional suffering on your part while I am orchestrating the perfect results in your behalf. True faith and patience look forward to the glorious outcome, the working of My pleasure in the situation which is to give to you all of My kingdom, even in your earthly life. True patience is waiting for the ripe, sweet apple and not settling for a green, sour one, as you have said.
Patience is based on faith in Me and My abilities. Patience is not moved by earthly occurrences. Faith and patience speak the things that are not as through they were, knowing that I am bringing My perfect solution to your prayers.
When you patiently submit your mind to Me, I will give you an image of the perfect results before it is materialized and it will create faith to move mountains.
My loving patience with you for many years should spur you to have loving patience with your loved ones, being convinced that your prayers for them will be answered in marvelous ways. Their emotional outbursts and fleshly tantrums mirror your family’s moods of the past. I was solidly patient with you and you must be solidly patient with them so that your prayers will not be hindered. Don’t interfere with My orchestrated chain of events that are being instituted to bring supernatural results into their lives. Work with me patiently, not against me emotionally.
Bringing peace to every situation will contribute patience to every prayer request and assure a heavenly orchestrated, perfect results. It is My good pleasure to give you My kingdom.
Jesus said to not let your heart be troubled with impatience, but to calmly and patiently wait for My answer to your requests. It’s just that simple. With faith and patience you will inherit My promised good works in your behalf. Your work in the matter is merely faith and patience which cause you to be joyful and expectant in waiting for the marvelous things that I have planned for you.
Your Patient and loving Father John 14:1; Hebrews 6:12; I Thessalonians 1:2-3; Hebrews 11:1-2; Luke 12:32.
Spiritual patience, which is a fruit of My Spirit, is the willingness to wait for a perfect solution or result to appear. You notice I said “willingly.” That means waiting without griping, moaning, fretting, worrying, doubting or complaining. Remember that patience is the twin of faith because it is with faith and patience that you will inherit My promises.
Patience is an act of the will of your spirit caused by your incorporating the power of My wisdom and insight into the workings of My will in a matter, not the working of your fleshly will. You come to Me for My solutions because the acts of your own will have failed.
Patience is based upon your revelation knowledge that My will is what is needed to perfectly orchestrate strategies which bring satisfactory results and which will bring you happiness in a matter. That is why Jesus said to Me, “Not My will but Yours be done.”
My patience which is resident inside of you is the power to yield to My will even though it might involve emotional suffering on your part while I am orchestrating the perfect results in your behalf. True faith and patience look forward to the glorious outcome, the working of My pleasure in the situation which is to give to you all of My kingdom, even in your earthly life. True patience is waiting for the ripe, sweet apple and not settling for a green, sour one, as you have said.
Patience is based on faith in Me and My abilities. Patience is not moved by earthly occurrences. Faith and patience speak the things that are not as through they were, knowing that I am bringing My perfect solution to your prayers.
When you patiently submit your mind to Me, I will give you an image of the perfect results before it is materialized and it will create faith to move mountains.
My loving patience with you for many years should spur you to have loving patience with your loved ones, being convinced that your prayers for them will be answered in marvelous ways. Their emotional outbursts and fleshly tantrums mirror your family’s moods of the past. I was solidly patient with you and you must be solidly patient with them so that your prayers will not be hindered. Don’t interfere with My orchestrated chain of events that are being instituted to bring supernatural results into their lives. Work with me patiently, not against me emotionally.
Bringing peace to every situation will contribute patience to every prayer request and assure a heavenly orchestrated, perfect results. It is My good pleasure to give you My kingdom.
Jesus said to not let your heart be troubled with impatience, but to calmly and patiently wait for My answer to your requests. It’s just that simple. With faith and patience you will inherit My promised good works in your behalf. Your work in the matter is merely faith and patience which cause you to be joyful and expectant in waiting for the marvelous things that I have planned for you.
Your Patient and loving Father John 14:1; Hebrews 6:12; I Thessalonians 1:2-3; Hebrews 11:1-2; Luke 12:32.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Dear One,
There is a storehouse full of patience inside of every one of My children. It is in My Holy Spirit. My Spirit is the chamber of endless patience, just like He is the chamber of endless love and faith.
It is written that tribulation works patience.
That is not to say that bad things teach you patience. It means that when bad things come into your life that you can put the patience that is in My Holy Spirit to work inside your mind. You can bring patience from My Spirit inside of your spirit into your fleshly mind with its peaceful ability to wait for the answer to your prayers to be manifested. Each time you call on My patience inside of your spirit, you strengthen your reliance on My patience. It’s like lifting weights for the person who exercises. Every time the person lifts weight repeatedly, the muscles which are engaged become stronger and stronger, more pronounced and powerful. So when you allow My patience to work in your fleshly mind, you are enhancing your patience and making it stronger, full of the power necessary to wait for the manifestation of the answers to your prayers. When tribulations come, I said through Paul to rejoice during those difficult times and patience will increase as well as hope, which leads to faith, which leads to collecting your inheritance. Patience during bad times is a testimony to My grace being sufficient because My patience applied to bad situations increases faith and produces results. You might ask how can bad times increase your faith and patience? It’s not the bad times that increase them, it’s your response to the bad times which can increase your patience and faith. When you rejoice you gain strength because joy brings strength. When you rejoice and become thankful for the answers to your prayers, plus being grateful for My favor to you, then patience is drawn from the wells of salvation inside of you just like joy is drawn by buckets full from the same well, My Holy Spirit. Some of My children say that they asked Me for patience and things got worse in a situation. My wish for you is that you let patience do her work during the bad times, learning to draw it from My Spirit’s patience, which is a fruit of My Spirit. You don’t learn patience from bad things happening to you; instead, you should learn to draw patience from Me during bad times. Bad times bring depression to the fleshly mind. During bad times, you can draw My patience from Me, apply it to your mind, and My glory will accompany the patience, creating more faith because you have accessed My characteristic of patience. Patience is not inactive, merely waiting for the answers to prayers. Patience is active, always rejoicing, increasing in prayers, thanksgiving and praise, declaring your faith and trust upon Me to the heavens. Rejoice during tribulations because rejoicing bring peace to your mind while patience is being infused there. You cannot be depressed and joyful at the same time. Choose to rejoice because of My grace, forgiveness and love. You will experience that patience and faith will increase and they will cause you to inherit the promises I have made to My children. Your Loving Father Romans 5:1-11; James 1:2-8; Philippians 4:4-7.
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That is not to say that bad things teach you patience. It means that when bad things come into your life that you can put the patience that is in My Holy Spirit to work inside your mind. You can bring patience from My Spirit inside of your spirit into your fleshly mind with its peaceful ability to wait for the answer to your prayers to be manifested. Each time you call on My patience inside of your spirit, you strengthen your reliance on My patience. It’s like lifting weights for the person who exercises. Every time the person lifts weight repeatedly, the muscles which are engaged become stronger and stronger, more pronounced and powerful. So when you allow My patience to work in your fleshly mind, you are enhancing your patience and making it stronger, full of the power necessary to wait for the manifestation of the answers to your prayers. When tribulations come, I said through Paul to rejoice during those difficult times and patience will increase as well as hope, which leads to faith, which leads to collecting your inheritance. Patience during bad times is a testimony to My grace being sufficient because My patience applied to bad situations increases faith and produces results. You might ask how can bad times increase your faith and patience? It’s not the bad times that increase them, it’s your response to the bad times which can increase your patience and faith. When you rejoice you gain strength because joy brings strength. When you rejoice and become thankful for the answers to your prayers, plus being grateful for My favor to you, then patience is drawn from the wells of salvation inside of you just like joy is drawn by buckets full from the same well, My Holy Spirit. Some of My children say that they asked Me for patience and things got worse in a situation. My wish for you is that you let patience do her work during the bad times, learning to draw it from My Spirit’s patience, which is a fruit of My Spirit. You don’t learn patience from bad things happening to you; instead, you should learn to draw patience from Me during bad times. Bad times bring depression to the fleshly mind. During bad times, you can draw My patience from Me, apply it to your mind, and My glory will accompany the patience, creating more faith because you have accessed My characteristic of patience. Patience is not inactive, merely waiting for the answers to prayers. Patience is active, always rejoicing, increasing in prayers, thanksgiving and praise, declaring your faith and trust upon Me to the heavens. Rejoice during tribulations because rejoicing bring peace to your mind while patience is being infused there. You cannot be depressed and joyful at the same time. Choose to rejoice because of My grace, forgiveness and love. You will experience that patience and faith will increase and they will cause you to inherit the promises I have made to My children. Your Loving Father Romans 5:1-11; James 1:2-8; Philippians 4:4-7.
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Saturday, December 6, 2014
Dear One,
My patience with My children needs to be taught and researched in My Instruction Book. Under My first covenant with a nation through which Jesus descended, My patience was tried over and over and over again. Each time, as they returned to fellowship with me, I restored them to My favor, helped them out of their difficulties and poured My blessings, My guidance and My love upon them. I never left them.
They left Me repeatedly, yet My patience was everlasting. My patience endures all things. Why am I always patient, you ask? Again, as I have told you before, I understand the temptations that My children experience and I understand the weak wills of some, and I understand the persistence of the devil to trick you into having destructive thoughts toward others. I understand because I walked in flesh in the person of My Son. I understand because I know the strategies of the evil one to rob My children, torture My children and even kill My children. Because of My patience, I understand and forgive easily. You should, also. With My Holy Spirit residing inside of you, you have My patience resident in your spirit to give you the mind of Christ, My mind which was in Christ Jesus. You have My patience already in abundance inside of you and you can access it at will, when it is needed, which is usually in answer to prayers. I said to ask and you will receive. That is clear, concise and true. Patience is necessary in order for you to wait patiently while My angels and I are working in your behalf to bring the answers to prayers into being I grant your request immediately when you ask, but time is required for us to change circumstances and people in your earthly dimension, bringing them into obedience to My orchestrations in order to answer your requests. Remember, I am not a dictator, eager to manipulate people at My will. Because I gave humans free will, I have to work with their free wills and work to influence them to change their wills so that their prayers can be answered. That is why I said that faith and patience work together in facilitating your entire inheritance to be delivered to you. Faith is at the basis of patience, girding it up at all times. Because of My patience with you when you make mistakes, when you use words to bite and devour people, when you take paths down dangerous roads in life, sow strife, anger your children and refuse to take My advice, then you should have patience with your own family, your friends, neighbors, people involved in political factions and religious heresies, people who are deceived and ones who are rebellious and resentful. Patience with other people who have different beliefs, different morals, different heritages and different experiences deserve your patience because I am always patient with you. Sow patience and you will inherit patience from others. Your faith and patience allows Me time to grant your requests. Your patience with others allows them time to change their attitudes in answer to your prayers. Patience allows you to wait patiently for the perfect answer. I am patient with you. Be patient with Me and others. Your Patient and Loving Father - Hebrews 6:12; Hebrews 3:8-11; Galatians 5:16-26; Hebrews 5:16.
They left Me repeatedly, yet My patience was everlasting. My patience endures all things. Why am I always patient, you ask? Again, as I have told you before, I understand the temptations that My children experience and I understand the weak wills of some, and I understand the persistence of the devil to trick you into having destructive thoughts toward others. I understand because I walked in flesh in the person of My Son. I understand because I know the strategies of the evil one to rob My children, torture My children and even kill My children. Because of My patience, I understand and forgive easily. You should, also. With My Holy Spirit residing inside of you, you have My patience resident in your spirit to give you the mind of Christ, My mind which was in Christ Jesus. You have My patience already in abundance inside of you and you can access it at will, when it is needed, which is usually in answer to prayers. I said to ask and you will receive. That is clear, concise and true. Patience is necessary in order for you to wait patiently while My angels and I are working in your behalf to bring the answers to prayers into being I grant your request immediately when you ask, but time is required for us to change circumstances and people in your earthly dimension, bringing them into obedience to My orchestrations in order to answer your requests. Remember, I am not a dictator, eager to manipulate people at My will. Because I gave humans free will, I have to work with their free wills and work to influence them to change their wills so that their prayers can be answered. That is why I said that faith and patience work together in facilitating your entire inheritance to be delivered to you. Faith is at the basis of patience, girding it up at all times. Because of My patience with you when you make mistakes, when you use words to bite and devour people, when you take paths down dangerous roads in life, sow strife, anger your children and refuse to take My advice, then you should have patience with your own family, your friends, neighbors, people involved in political factions and religious heresies, people who are deceived and ones who are rebellious and resentful. Patience with other people who have different beliefs, different morals, different heritages and different experiences deserve your patience because I am always patient with you. Sow patience and you will inherit patience from others. Your faith and patience allows Me time to grant your requests. Your patience with others allows them time to change their attitudes in answer to your prayers. Patience allows you to wait patiently for the perfect answer. I am patient with you. Be patient with Me and others. Your Patient and Loving Father - Hebrews 6:12; Hebrews 3:8-11; Galatians 5:16-26; Hebrews 5:16.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Dear One,
I would not have asked My children to keep peace with everyone if it were not possible with the power of My Holy Spirit.
Remember that peace begets peace and those people who sow peace are called My children.. I would not have asked My children to love others as I love them if it were not possible with My Holy Spirit in them. Remember that under My old covenant with a nation I asked them to love others as they love themselves, but under My covenant with all humanity I ask them to love others as I love them because it is only possible with the indwelling of My Holy Spirit. I would not have asked My children to forgive others so that their sins would also be forgiven if it were not possible with the power of My Holy Spirit. Remember that My Son Jesus, after He breathed My Spirit into them, told His disciples that whosoever sins they forgive are forgiven and whosoever sins they retain are retained. In other words, you forgive your own sins when you forgive others; and you retain your own sins when you retain the sins of others. I would not have asked My children to turn the other cheek when someone strikes them instead of striking back if it were not possible with the power of My Holy Spirit to return good for evil done to them. Remember that My wisdom is given to protect you from the destruction that happens when you fight back instead of doing good to those who do evil to you. Doing good to your enemy results in diffusing an explosive situation, ending it instead of adding fuel to it, which returning evil for evil does. I would not have asked My children to first seek My kingdom and My righteousness if it were not possible to do so with the power of My Holy Spirit. Remember that when you intimately know Me, knowing the depth, width, height and length of My love for you, when you know the benefits of having My Spiritual power inside of you, and when you know the strategies of your spiritual enemy, the devil, then My power that resides in you will not only cause you to defeat the works of the devil but My power of My Holy Spirit will see that all of your inheritance will flood into your life, all joy, all love, all peace, all patience, all goodness, all kindness, all mercy, and yes, all the earthly goods which meet your needs, wants and desires. I would not have told you to feed the hungry, give alms to the poor, minister to the broken hearted, heal the sick if it were not possible with the power of My Holy Spirit. Every good father gives his children his wisdom, knowledge, character and instructions on how to succeed in life. Jesus said how much more will I give My Holy Spirit to My children, the greatest gift ever given, because His indwelling is My presence in their lives with My unconditional love and My power to defeat all evil. Remember that Jesus came to earth to destroy the works of the devil. My Holy Spirit has the same task today and He gives you the power to accomplish it, if My children will only heed His advice. The ball is in your court. I never tell you to do something without giving you the power and ability to do it. I have given you My very own Spirit. Use My power wisely and be blessed. Your Loving Father - Matthew 5; John 14;12-33; John 15:7-14; I John 3:8.
Remember that peace begets peace and those people who sow peace are called My children.. I would not have asked My children to love others as I love them if it were not possible with My Holy Spirit in them. Remember that under My old covenant with a nation I asked them to love others as they love themselves, but under My covenant with all humanity I ask them to love others as I love them because it is only possible with the indwelling of My Holy Spirit. I would not have asked My children to forgive others so that their sins would also be forgiven if it were not possible with the power of My Holy Spirit. Remember that My Son Jesus, after He breathed My Spirit into them, told His disciples that whosoever sins they forgive are forgiven and whosoever sins they retain are retained. In other words, you forgive your own sins when you forgive others; and you retain your own sins when you retain the sins of others. I would not have asked My children to turn the other cheek when someone strikes them instead of striking back if it were not possible with the power of My Holy Spirit to return good for evil done to them. Remember that My wisdom is given to protect you from the destruction that happens when you fight back instead of doing good to those who do evil to you. Doing good to your enemy results in diffusing an explosive situation, ending it instead of adding fuel to it, which returning evil for evil does. I would not have asked My children to first seek My kingdom and My righteousness if it were not possible to do so with the power of My Holy Spirit. Remember that when you intimately know Me, knowing the depth, width, height and length of My love for you, when you know the benefits of having My Spiritual power inside of you, and when you know the strategies of your spiritual enemy, the devil, then My power that resides in you will not only cause you to defeat the works of the devil but My power of My Holy Spirit will see that all of your inheritance will flood into your life, all joy, all love, all peace, all patience, all goodness, all kindness, all mercy, and yes, all the earthly goods which meet your needs, wants and desires. I would not have told you to feed the hungry, give alms to the poor, minister to the broken hearted, heal the sick if it were not possible with the power of My Holy Spirit. Every good father gives his children his wisdom, knowledge, character and instructions on how to succeed in life. Jesus said how much more will I give My Holy Spirit to My children, the greatest gift ever given, because His indwelling is My presence in their lives with My unconditional love and My power to defeat all evil. Remember that Jesus came to earth to destroy the works of the devil. My Holy Spirit has the same task today and He gives you the power to accomplish it, if My children will only heed His advice. The ball is in your court. I never tell you to do something without giving you the power and ability to do it. I have given you My very own Spirit. Use My power wisely and be blessed. Your Loving Father - Matthew 5; John 14;12-33; John 15:7-14; I John 3:8.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Dear One,
Yes, there is a peace that, when it floods your mind, is beyond all human knowledge and understanding.
It can’t be explained because it comes from My Holy Spirit inside of you and is an outgrowth of My Spirit. When it envelops your mind, it erases all doubt, worry, fretting and confusion. Instead of those negative emotions, you are filled with faith, joy, belief and a calm, sound mind. Peace is a commodity that is worth billions of your dollars to the recipient. It fulfills a universal need, a need for peace between countries, peace between governments, peace between political parties, peace between workers and bosses, peace between neighbors and, most of all, peace between family members. When My peace is present in a person’s life, he or she enjoys the atmosphere of My heaven where peace is spiritually dispensed. Some people kill themselves just to have peace in their minds. Some people kill others whom they feel are robbing them of their peace. There are others who kill because they are so tormented in their minds that they think ridding their lives of offensive, political, religious or social enemies will give them peace. All of those people have made flesh and blood the causes of their problems, other humans, because they don‘t know that humans are never the problem in conflicts, but that evil spirits sent by satan to harass them are the problem. They fight what they can see and hear instead of fighting the spirits that are at the core of their problems. My Spirit wrote in your Instruction Book that you should do all things in moderation, never entertaining political and religious doctrinal extremes, never being drunk with wine but being filled with My Spirit, never becoming stressed from cares and worries but praying and thanking Me for the answers to prayers. When you are able to do those things, you will find that My peace will suddenly invade your mind and chase away the cares and worries. Jesus taught extensively about exchanging worries for My peace. When My peace comes into your mind in the twinkling of an eye you are changed from a worrier to a spiritual warrior, eager to walk in faith and share your peace with others, relieving them of their burdens by your testimony of what My peace has done for you. Jesus said that you should not worry, which is the absence of peace. My Holy Spirit said to always rejoice and to be anxious for nothing but to let your requests be known to Me with prayers and thanksgiving and then My peace which passes human understanding will keep our hearts and minds free from turmoil. He said that you must always think only on things that are pure, peaceful, just, true, loving, positive, virtuous and worthy of praise and then you will retain the peace that I give to you. Gird up the loins of your mind and refuse to think negative, stressful, strife filled, angry, jealous and divisive thoughts. Those temptations are from your enemy. Don’t join with his tumultuous thoughts and then expect to have My peace. You are the boss of your own mind and you have the strong will to refuse negative thoughts. Your Peaceful Father Philippians 4:4-9; I Peter 1:13-15.
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It can’t be explained because it comes from My Holy Spirit inside of you and is an outgrowth of My Spirit. When it envelops your mind, it erases all doubt, worry, fretting and confusion. Instead of those negative emotions, you are filled with faith, joy, belief and a calm, sound mind. Peace is a commodity that is worth billions of your dollars to the recipient. It fulfills a universal need, a need for peace between countries, peace between governments, peace between political parties, peace between workers and bosses, peace between neighbors and, most of all, peace between family members. When My peace is present in a person’s life, he or she enjoys the atmosphere of My heaven where peace is spiritually dispensed. Some people kill themselves just to have peace in their minds. Some people kill others whom they feel are robbing them of their peace. There are others who kill because they are so tormented in their minds that they think ridding their lives of offensive, political, religious or social enemies will give them peace. All of those people have made flesh and blood the causes of their problems, other humans, because they don‘t know that humans are never the problem in conflicts, but that evil spirits sent by satan to harass them are the problem. They fight what they can see and hear instead of fighting the spirits that are at the core of their problems. My Spirit wrote in your Instruction Book that you should do all things in moderation, never entertaining political and religious doctrinal extremes, never being drunk with wine but being filled with My Spirit, never becoming stressed from cares and worries but praying and thanking Me for the answers to prayers. When you are able to do those things, you will find that My peace will suddenly invade your mind and chase away the cares and worries. Jesus taught extensively about exchanging worries for My peace. When My peace comes into your mind in the twinkling of an eye you are changed from a worrier to a spiritual warrior, eager to walk in faith and share your peace with others, relieving them of their burdens by your testimony of what My peace has done for you. Jesus said that you should not worry, which is the absence of peace. My Holy Spirit said to always rejoice and to be anxious for nothing but to let your requests be known to Me with prayers and thanksgiving and then My peace which passes human understanding will keep our hearts and minds free from turmoil. He said that you must always think only on things that are pure, peaceful, just, true, loving, positive, virtuous and worthy of praise and then you will retain the peace that I give to you. Gird up the loins of your mind and refuse to think negative, stressful, strife filled, angry, jealous and divisive thoughts. Those temptations are from your enemy. Don’t join with his tumultuous thoughts and then expect to have My peace. You are the boss of your own mind and you have the strong will to refuse negative thoughts. Your Peaceful Father Philippians 4:4-9; I Peter 1:13-15.
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Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Dear One,
Peacemakers are blessed because they are called My children.
People who sow strife are acting out of their father, the devil.
Always check the words and attitudes that come from people and you will know whose words to receive and whose words to reject that come from religious people and political people. If they sow peace, then they are from Me. If they sow anger, strife and destruction, they are acting from temptations of the devil and their own control of people.
My children who know My voice know that I always give them advice that will bring peace to situations. I sent My Son, the Prince of Peace, and I sent My Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Peace, into the earth to bring peace on earth.
The devil sends his words and his demons into the earth to destroy peace and distribute discord, dissension, turmoil and destruction into the earth.
You make the decision every minute of the day whether to choose to project My peace or whether to choose to project discord through thoughts, attitudes and words. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, told My children that if you are angry with anyone that you are in danger of the devil’s judgment because you are sowing seeds into the devil’s garden of judgment. He said that if someone has something against you that you should go to him and be reconciled to him and then you can make your prayers known to Me. I could not be more clear what the problem is when prayers are not answered, that being that your attitudes are not peaceful toward someone. My children should be children of peace if My Spirit of Peace lives inside of them.
Isaiah spoke My admonition that you must refrain from pointing the finger in scorn, must refrain from bitter and corrupt speaking and you must loose the bonds of wickedness which clings to you, that you should feed the hungry, share your house with the homeless, that you break every yoke of bondage to evil spirits. He said that those things separate you from receiving My blessings which I have already given to you. All of My blessings come to you when you sow peace in every situation and every circumstance.
Do you want peace? Then you should sow peace in every situation. Otherwise you will wallow in strife and wonder why I am not answering your prayers. I have already answered every prayer you pray; but if you have strife-filled attitudes, they will intercept your blessings and throw them on the garbage heap.
The key is to bring every judgmental, angry, jealous, envious, hateful, negative thought into subjection to the knowledge of My character, which is to love others as I love you.
I understand the opportunities that you have to engage in strife. I also know the power of My Spirit that you have inside of you to reject the strife thoughts. When you do, then you will walk in My peace and My blessings. Your Peaceful and Loving Father Matthew 5:9 and 21-26; Isaiah 58; Galatians 6:12; II Corinthians 10:4-5.
I understand the opportunities that you have to engage in strife. I also know the power of My Spirit that you have inside of you to reject the strife thoughts. When you do, then you will walk in My peace and My blessings. Your Peaceful and Loving Father Matthew 5:9 and 21-26; Isaiah 58; Galatians 6:12; II Corinthians 10:4-5.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Dear One,
My kingdom is the Kingdom of Solutions.
The kingdom of the devil is the kingdom of problems.
My kingdom is the Kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. I said My Kingdom is in the person of the Holy Spirit.
Righteousness, peace and joy come to your spirit when you receive My Holy Spirit. Righteousness, peace and joy come to your flesh when you access My solutions to all of your problems. All solutions to all problems are present in My kingdom because of My wisdom and knowledge relating to solutions for the destructive works of the devil. They are already provided. You only have to access them.
Remember that I said that no problem comes your way that is not common to men but when a problem comes I will always provide a way of bearing the problem until the solution is manifested. The forbearance is necessary while I work out the solution in the earth. The solution is already evident in My heaven, but there are plans to be worked out in the earth because I am working with people whose minds need to be changed and circumstances that need to be changed.
My Spirit will give you patience while the intricate details are worked out. I will even show you the finished solution before it becomes evident if you will let Me.
When you pray in the Spirit you are allowing My solutions to be designed, implemented and finalized in the earth. You are participating with Me in the solution.
When you walk in My Spirit, being led by My Spirit, you are providing the love-filled atmosphere in the earth which contributes to the speedy distribution of solutions to your problems. My angels and I only work where there is faith and love in operation. We cannot work where strife and bitterness are present because those are evidence of the presence of demonic influences which block My solutions from entering your troubling situation.
I do not cause problems. I do bring solutions into problems when you pray in the Spirit and walk in My Spirit.
I have the perfect solution to every problem. It will involve your changing your thoughts and attitudes toward the people who cause the problem. It will involve blessing your enemies instead of cursing them. It will involve apologizing to people for your bitter and corrupt words that you spoke regarding the situation. It will involve showing love instead of hate. When you can do what Jesus told you to do, then the solution to the problem is easily accessed because you are acting out of My Family of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
When problems abound, solutions to those problems will abound even more when My children bring Me into the problem through prayers. I said when you ask you will receive if you do not ask amiss. Asking amiss is asking while still promoting strife and bitterness which are evidence of the devil’s kingdom of problems.
Make sure your citizenship stays in my Kingdom of Solutions.
Your Loving Father Matthew 12:28; Luke 17:20-21; Romans 14:17;I Corinthians 10:13;Romans 5:20;James 4:3
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Monday, December 1, 2014
Dear One,
My children need to learn to discern the voices in their heads of their demonic spiritual enemies. They will tempt you with evil thoughts. Those temptations are not always temptations of the flesh like lust, stealing, killing, robbing, cheating and the like. They can be mental and emotional temptations in the form of thoughts and attitudes. Such thoughts are the temptations to be unmerciful, judgmental, unloving and uncaring.
My thoughts and attitudes are referred to in the first teachings of Jesus and are called the Beatitudes, cautioning you to be of My attitudes rather than being of the attitudes of the devil, the father of lies. Jesus said that the merciful people are blessed because they will obtain mercy from others. He said that forgiveness toward everyone results in your inheriting forgiveness from Me.
Remember that mercy is for the lawbreaker, the person who is disobeying civil, social or religious laws. My mercy is forever extended to those lawbreakers and your mercy should also be perpetually poured upon them because of My mercy always being poured upon you.
Mercy never takes into account a wrong suffered. That is the basis of My mercy. The blood of Jesus cleansed you of all unrighteousness and cleansed all people. Let My mercy in you cleanse the unrighteousness of other people through you.
I understand when a person is angry at Me. I understand when a person yields to transgression of the flesh and attitudinal transgressions. I understand when a person yields to the demon of anger, distributing strife into the world. I understand, but I grieve because I know that they are sowing seeds into the devil’s garden and they will eventually reap anger actions toward themselves. My Holy Spirit wrote through Paul that My Spirit is grieved when My children yield to the temptation to let corrupt words come out of their mouths because He knows that they are going to attract corrupt words and corrupt actions because of their bitter, unkind speaking. He said that when My children bite and devour each other that they will be consumed. He said that love does not speak bitter, corrupt words or judge anyone. It forgives and extends mercy.
Learn to recognize My voice which spurs you to love others, to be merciful to lawbreakers, to extend compassion toward the suffering, to sow peace with all people, to have a good attitude toward others with resulting kind actions, to be joyful in plenty and in lack, to be patient with people who are motivated by evil, forbearing their evil actions and forgiving immediately because you understand the proclivity of humans to yield to the devil.
Judging others exalts you above other people, making you the policeman, the judge and the jury altogether. Mercy releases others from their sins and your judgment of them. Extending mercy to everyone is walking in My Spirit and in doing that you will not fulfill the temptations and lusts of the flesh where satan works.
I said My children know My voice. When you love Me and recognize My voice you will take My advice. The rewards are tremendous.
Your Merciful and Loving Father
II Corinthians 11:20: Ephesians 4:29-30;Galatians 5:15-25.
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