Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Dear One,
   My patience with people has always been taxed into its full work because of the reluctance of My children to take My advice and My wisdom.  You talk about plan B if something does not work out.  I have used plans A, B, C, D, E, F, G and further until someone in the earth will follow My instructions and trust Me enough to do what I ask.
    My plan for the redemption of My creation through the  Son of God also becoming the Son of man was planned from the beginning when the first man fell from fellowship with Me and began to also fellowship with the evil one.  Because I had given authority in the earth to people, there had to be prophesy through people concerning every aspect of the life of the Messiah. It took patience on My part to find men who would yield to Me enough to prophecy aspects of His birth, His ministry, His wisdom, His truth, His teaching, His miracles, His compassion, His death, His resurrection, His ascension and His relinquishing the Holy Spirit and sending Him to earth to continue the ministry of Jesus. Not everyone yielded immediately to My prompting to prophecy whichever aspect I wanted to be spoken at the time in order to get My plans of redemption into the earth.
     My patience was necessary because of My compassion regarding the plights of My children caused by their obeying the voice of satan rather than obeying My voice.  I wanted to immediately send My Savior into the earth, but the precise prophesy of His birth, life, ministry and death had to be prophesied before it could happen.
     My patience with mankind is unending.  My patience with My rebellious children who fraternize with evil spirits and then demand My loyalty by answering their prayers tries My patience constantly. There is no end to My patience with My children, even when they are seduced again and again to participate in their own destruction.  When they return to Me and follow My Fatherly advice, they are restored to full favor with Me and My kingdom. Their suffering that came from their following the voice of evil instead of following My voice is immediately relieved and the crowns of life are placed on their heads.
    Since My patience is everlasting, and the same patience is in your spirit in the person of My Holy Spirit, you must be patient with others who succumb to the voice of the evil one and retreat from the protection of My family.  You must pray for them, lifting them above the elements of evil and restoring them to full favor with Me.  You must do what Jesus said to do, forgive them, do good to them, and you will see their salvation and complete restoration.
     Abraham spoke the things that were not as though they were, speaking faith statements before the culmination of My promises were evident. That is what faith statements do, speak the final works for which you pray before there is any evidence before your eyes.  In other words, you prophecy the answer to your prayers, thanking Me for them, praising Me for My abilities to bring them to fruition.  The answer to prayers spoken in faith become substance because you have prophesied them as being evident before they were visible. Speaking doubt and unbelief statements will not produce the answers to our prayers.  When you do speak the answers to your prayers as though they already were evident, that faith provides the highways from heaven to earth for the answers to your prayers to become reality because you have confidently spoken your faith in Me.
    My promises to My children make good prophesy words to speak when problems appear, speaking the good things that are not evident as through they are.  In other words, you are saying, “My Heavenly Daddy can do anything,” and “I am persuaded that He is able to do whatever I commit to Him.”
    Your Patient and Loving Father
Matthew 11:13-14; Matthew 13:13-17; Matthew 15:7-9; Matthew 12:34-37; II Timothy 1:12-13; Romans 4:16-22; Hebrews 11:1-3.                        

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