Thursday, December 4, 2014


Dear One, Yes, there is a peace that, when it floods your mind, is beyond all human knowledge and understanding.

 It can’t be explained because it comes from My Holy Spirit inside of you and is an outgrowth of My Spirit. When it envelops your mind, it erases all doubt, worry, fretting and confusion. Instead of those negative emotions, you are filled with faith, joy, belief and a calm, sound mind. Peace is a commodity that is worth billions of your dollars to the recipient. It fulfills a universal need, a need for peace between countries, peace between governments, peace between political parties, peace between workers and bosses, peace between neighbors and, most of all, peace between family members. When My peace is present in a person’s life, he or she enjoys the atmosphere of My heaven where peace is spiritually dispensed. Some people kill themselves just to have peace in their minds. Some people kill others whom they feel are robbing them of their peace. There are others who kill because they are so tormented in their minds that they think ridding their lives of offensive, political, religious or social enemies will give them peace. All of those people have made flesh and blood the causes of their problems, other humans, because they don‘t know that humans are never the problem in conflicts, but that evil spirits sent by satan to harass them are the problem. They fight what they can see and hear instead of fighting the spirits that are at the core of their problems. My Spirit wrote in your Instruction Book that you should do all things in moderation, never entertaining political and religious doctrinal extremes, never being drunk with wine but being filled with My Spirit, never becoming stressed from cares and worries but praying and thanking Me for the answers to prayers. When you are able to do those things, you will find that My peace will suddenly invade your mind and chase away the cares and worries. Jesus taught extensively about exchanging worries for My peace. When My peace comes into your mind in the twinkling of an eye you are changed from a worrier to a spiritual warrior, eager to walk in faith and share your peace with others, relieving them of their burdens by your testimony of what My peace has done for you. Jesus said that you should not worry, which is the absence of peace. My Holy Spirit said to always rejoice and to be anxious for nothing but to let your requests be known to Me with prayers and thanksgiving and then My peace which passes human understanding will keep our hearts and minds free from turmoil. He said that you must always think only on things that are pure, peaceful, just, true, loving, positive, virtuous and worthy of praise and then you will retain the peace that I give to you. Gird up the loins of your mind and refuse to think negative, stressful, strife filled, angry, jealous and divisive thoughts. Those temptations are from your enemy. Don’t join with his tumultuous thoughts and then expect to have My peace. You are the boss of your own mind and you have the strong will to refuse negative thoughts. Your Peaceful Father Philippians 4:4-9; I Peter 1:13-15.
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