Wednesday, February 5, 2020


    Every word you speak is a mini generator, generating either life or death to the hearer.  (James 3:5-7)
    Every word you think is a mini generator, generating either life or death to the cells of your body.  (Jeremiah 4:14; Matthew 15:19)
    Positive words spoken by you have My power to generate life, love and acceptance to the hearers. (James 3:9-12) 
    Negative words spoken by you have the devil's power to generate death, rejection and destruction to the hearers.  (Proverbs 18:21)
    Positive, loving words thought by you have My power to heal and generate life in your body, soul and spirit. (Ephesians 4:29)
   Negative, judgmental words thought by you have the power to generate death in the cells of your body, soul and spirit.  You have heard it said that every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your thoughts.  That nugget of truth originated with Me.(James 3:14-18)
    Other men have received My truth relating to words and thoughts.  David, a man after My own heart, prayed that the words of his mouth and the meditations of his heart were always acceptable to Me. (Psalm 19:14) David's words about his total dependence upon Me were music to My ears and they charted his future.  David's insights into the negative power of thoughts of worrying and fretting were revelations that He had from My Holy Spirit. (Psalm 37:1; Psalm 37: 7-8)  He did not have the power of My Holy Spirit living inside of him like My Spirit filled children do in your lives.  Yet, he endeavored to think and speak only My positive words of fulfillment. 
   David's insight into the power of thoughts and words began with his appreciation for My words which I spoke into his thoughts.  He knew that I speak precepts, statutes, testimonies, commandments, ordinances, laws, judgments, words of truth and promises. (Psalm 19 and Psalm 119)  He declared the power of My words when meditated upon in his thoughts and when spoken from his mouth.  David, more than any other old covenant prophet, knew the power of words and thoughts.
    My Son Jesus taught about the importance of words and thoughts also in great detail. He related people to trees, saying that a good tree brings forth good fruit but a corrupt tree brings forth corrupt fruit. (words) (Luke 6:35-45) It is the condition of the sap (thoughts) in a tree that determines whether the tree is good or corrupt, either producing fruit that is good or toxic to the hearer.
    My children are so excited about getting to heaven that they are blinded to My promise that they can have heaven in their lives on earth.  Jesus taught His disciples to pray that My kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven. It has.  When My Holy Spirit was sent into the earth by Jesus Christ to live inside of My children and when they become baptized in My Holy Spirit, My kingdom of heaven is resident inside of them and surrounds them.  (John 20:19-23; Acts 1:1-6; Acts 2:1-13)
     There is so much power in My words that I gave them to My children when they become filled with My Holy Spirit.  They begin to speak and pray in My spiritual language, the same language with which I created the universe and the earth.  The gift of My spiritual words is the most phenomenal gift that I ever gave to My children.  It is through them that I begin to recreate and restore the earth that I created for My children to govern.  One of My new covenant promises says that the whole earth is waiting for My children to have revealed to them that they are truly My Sons of God and that it is through My spiritual languages spoken through them that the entire earth is redeemed from the curses that entered when the devil and his demons were allowed by Adam to inhabit the earth. (Romans 8:19-27)
    You read about Jesus casting demons out of people.  It is also through the Holy Spirit's words that I cast demons out of people and the earth.  It's called house cleaning.  In house cleaning I take out the trash, the demons whose judgment by Me is eternal fire. (Matthew 13:35-42)
    It is important that you know the power of your own words.  It is expedient that you know the power of My words spoken through you in My spiritual language called other tongues.
    I created your world with My words.  You create heaven or hell in your life by thinking and speaking either positive words or negative thoughts. (James 2:4)  When you pray in the spiritual language of My Holy Spirit every word that you speak creates heaven in your life on earth.
    Your Father of Life-Giving Words

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