Monday, November 23, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    When My children who call themselves by My name and then decide to make money, idols, people or other things their gods, because their worship of things that they can touch and feel is really divorcing Me, then I am unable to offer My protection and My blessings onto their crops because they have turned themselves and all of their possession over to the devil instead of their being in one-on-one communion with Me. The royalty and people of Damascus  had experienced great prosperity at one time, but it had become a desert because of its idolatry.  When that happens, the demons attached to the idols form a barrier so that I cannot hear their prayers and I cannot offer My arm to help them. (Isaiah 59:1-6) Because the people have chosen idolatry, I cannot bypass their will to negate the making of their own choices.
    Isaiah prophesied to the people of that city and said that Damascus would cease to be a city and instead it would become a ruin because of their uniting with evil and doing the works of evil in the earth.  He said that part of their woes would be that the reapers only had handfuls of stalks instead of an abundance of grain, that only a scattering of grapes would be left for them on the vines like the olive trees when only a few are left at the top of the trees and on the branches.  He said that men would try to force down the few olives with poles, beating on the trees to help get the last ones down to help in their cooking.(Isaiah 17:5-6)  Rather than an abundance of crops, they would have lack in everything, all because they had left Me and My kingdom of abundance and they had joined with the devil and his kingdom of lack.  They had chosen to worship earthly idols that they could touch and feel instead of fellowshipping with and depending upon  Me, the God of plenty.   He prophesied to the officials of the city of Damascus that it would be laid waste, without production, all because they had forgotten Me, having chosen idols as their gods.  Isaiah prophesied that the city of Damascus would end up abandoned when they were fighting against Israel.  He wrote that the people of Damascus would be laid waste, nonfertile, all because they had forgotten Me, their Savior, and they remembered not the Rock of their strength.  (Isaiah 17: 9-10)
      Isaiah said that even though they planted their own natural plants and set out their native vines that should grow and produce good crops, even though they would grow the day they planted them, and make the sprouts blossom on the next morning, the harvest would disappear on the day of a grievous wind or an incurable blight. (Isaiah 17:11-13) That's what worshiping demons does, the demons provide the devil's destruction through blights.  
     He warned that many of their people would protest the devastation, sounding like a roar of the sea, but they would eventually flee far away.  He said that one night they would spread terror, but before morning they would be gone. He warned that such a description is the action of people who plunder good people and then make idols of their spoils.  (Isaiah 17:14)
    Again and again evil overtakes good because of good people leaving Me and clinging to idols that they can touch and feel, as if the idols were living instead of dead.  The idols are attended by demons whose purpose from hell is to rain the devil's destruction onto the people in the earth who turn to them for answers to their prayers.  People can make idols of anything when they divorce Me and join with idols who only promise devastation.  People can make idols of their countries by their extreme patriotism becoming their form of worshiping their country and its governing bodies.  
    The people of the city of Damascus had done that very thing, after conquering Israel they made idols of their plunder, divorcing Me and clinging to their spoils as their gods.
    It happens every day.  People make money their idol, as if the money would and could perform miracles in their lives.  They find that money and politics always have an end and the people fall from being blessed to being cursed because they have bound themselves to the devil by making money or extreme patriotism for their municipality or country their god.  When money and political patriotism become idols, people separate themselves from Me by divorcing Me and forming a marriage bond with the devil.  Woes in the form of devastation flood into their lives, like Isaiah wrote, surging into the city like waves of the sea.
    Through Isaiah I gave precise warning to the city rulers of Damascus, just like I do to every nation, concerning making idols of earthly things instead of their turning to Me for My protection, My blessings and My guidance.
    Uniting with Me brings prosperity.  Uniting with the devil by worshiping idols brings devastation.  I tell this truth over and over to My children so that they will learn it.  If you learn it, you will be blessed.  If you don't learn it, you will be cursed, just like masses of people before you.
    Your Father of Enjoyable Blessings

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