Tuesday, March 1, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, When the covering that is your earthly body is finished with its ministry in the earth, then the real you, who is a spirit, will have a spiritual covering not made with human hands but instead one that is eternal in the heavens. The apostle Paul wrote in his second letter to the believers at Corinth that while still in the earthly body you groan inwardly because you desire to be clothed with your spiritual body like a garment, fitted with your spiritual covering. You will not be naked for any time. Yet, while you are still in the human body you experience being weighed down, depressed, oppressed, not desiring to put off the body but rather you want to be clothed so that your mortal body will be swallowed up by your spiritual body after your resurrection. I am the One who has prepared this exchange in covering for your spirit and you have been given the guarantee of that exchange by the Holy Spirit who is waiting for the final fulfillment of My final promise to you. He wrote that you walk by faith and not by the sight of earthly eyes, waiting to be out of the body and at home with Me. (II Corinthians 5:7-9) Even though you are conscious of having great awe and respect for Me, there is still the ministry of winning people over to My kingdom of God. Paul wrote that what type of spiritual beings that you will become is understood thoroughly by Me, as it is in My perfect plan for My children, knowing that the change will be perfectly understood by your CONSCIENCE, discerning already that it will be glorious. Your expectation of the magnificence of the change from your being earthly to your being heavenly might cause the minds of other men to think that you are not in your right mind, but instead My love that was evident in Christ controls, urges and compels you because you are of the mind that One died for all, therefore all died with Him. Christ died for all so that the believers might no longer live for themselves but instead to live in the earth for Him who died and was raised again for your sake. (II Corinthians 5:11-15) The apostle then returned in his writing to entreat you to have the mind that, while in the earthly body, you will not regard anyone from a mere human point of view by judging from the flesh. Even though you even at one point even viewed Christ as a man from the human point of view, now you no longer have knowledge of Him from a fleshly view because when a person is grafted in Christ he or she is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold a new creation he or she has become. Paul described that the new birth is from Me Who, through Jesus Christ, reconciled all of humanity to Myself, having brought humans into harmony with Myself, and even giving to you the ministry of reconciliation so that by word and deed you might bring others into harmony with me. That transformation of you from human to Godly could only take place in the earth with My reconciling the world to favor with Me, not counting your trespasses but instead canceling them,and giving to you the ministry of reconciling the whole world to Me, making you My ambassadors in the earth with a clear conscience. He encouraged all believers to hold on to My divine favor to which you have been reconciled to Me. (II Corinthians 5:16-20) Paul wrote in this letter a synopsis of My works in your behalf. He wrote this, "God made Christ to be sin, Who knew no sin, so that in and through Him you might become examples of My righteousness in the earth, enjoying a right relationship with Christ by My acts of goodness in your behalf." (II Corinthians 5:21) My plan of salvation is encapsulated within that statement. Your Father of a Divine, Workable Plan

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