Thursday, April 9, 2009


Dear One,
What does it take to succeed?
Does it take worry and desperation or does it take introspection and determination?
The beginning is to have a goal. A goal starts in your thoughts. When you have a goal, then you seek wisdom and guidance. Then you follow the wisdom and guidance, neither looking to the right nor the left, maintaining a straight course.
If you only have your eyes on the goal, then you will achieve it. If you have your mind on things to the right or left, you will veer to the right, then the left, and you will delay reaching the goal because you have taken side trips.
A goal is a target. The bulls eye is the high calling for your life. Aim for the bulls eye. Forget the surrounding circles around the bulls eye. They are for the weak minded and the mediocre minded. They are not for you.
Set your mind on the highest things of life, seeking My kingdom, and everything will be added to you.
Love, God
Deuteronomy 5:32 & 33; Deuteronomy 28: 13 & 14; Joshua 23:6; Philippians 3:13 & 14

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