Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Dear One,
Negativity is actually "nagativity". It will nag, nag, nag at your mind with images of doom.
Negativity will nag at your mind until it convinces you that the worse things will happen to you and your family. It won't let go until you speak My positive words to it. Speak what I say is legally yours, speak My promises. Then negativity has to leave with its nagging words.
Negating My blessings for you is what negativity intends to do. It never brings anything good into your life. It only cancels out good by negating any image of good things from entering into your mind.
Negativity does not have good productive work. It brings curses into your life and the lives of your family members. It starts its cycle of death, death of good things, death of prosperity, death of your body, death of happiness, death of joy, death of peace, death of all good things.
Negativity wants to nag you and nag you with images of bad things until you believe that they will happen. Then you agree with the doom and it is established in your life and becomes reality.
Positive thoughts and images in your mind will convince you of the good things that I want to happen in your life and then you will agree with Me and they are established in your life because you have faith for them. Then good things from Me become reality.
What is real in your life, what I want for you or what negativity wants for you?
Choose the good life and think on those things.
Love, God
John 3:16; John 10:10; Philippians 4:8

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