Friday, April 17, 2009


Dear One,
In life things always present themselves for your assessment and your evaluation. You look at them, evaluate them and make a decision, sometimes right, sometimes wrong. That happens when you are limited to human assessment and evaluations.
My children who are led by My Spirit are unlimited in their thought processes because they can know My evaluation and My assessment of the situation. You can perceive My insight and My knowledge about the situation involving things you never knew or would never know about the actual facts involved.
With My assessment and evaluation, then you can make the right decision about every situation. You will end up winning every time when you know the actual ins and outs of the situation from My view rather than being limited by human knowledge,
Give Me a chance to contribute My thoughts about the subject and you will make the right assessments. Then follow My lead and you will overcome and triumph over every bad situation. I am your Father and I want you to ride the waves of happiness and success.
I 'm always available to give you my insight and guidance.
Love, God
Matthew 7:11; III John 11; John 14:25; John 15:7-11

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