Thursday, November 3, 2016


Dear One,
    I have told you that the more you know about the spiritual dimension around you, the more faith you will have.  Yet, there are few teachers who venture into the truths of the celestial and the terrestrial bodies and elements in fear of their followers wanting to worship the celestial beings that are in My heaven that surround you.  That is pure folly, because knowledge of My forces who work along with Me do the opposite, that knowledge causes you to adore and worship Me because you have become more intimately acquainted with Me.   I placed those spiritual truths in My Instruction Book for you so that you will have more faith gleaned from the knowledge that you have gained pertaining to the army of spiritual beings who are working at My command to orchestrate the answers to your prayers and bring My kingdom into your life in answer to the prayer of Jesus.
     Many of My children think that I am a "ha-ta-ma-cha-da" Father who merely says those words or other seemingly magic words and the answer to prayers appear in the earth.  That is based on ignorance of what I put in your Instruction Manual which is supposed to enhance your knowledge about what I have at My command and what you have at your command.    
    Listen to this truth:  There are heavenly bodies, which are heavenly beings; and there are earthly bodies, which are earthly beings.  If your knowledge is limited to information only about earthly things, then there is no basis upon which you can have faith because earthly things are powerless and temporary.  I said that it is shameful for My children to be spiritually ignorant of heavenly things.  When they are that uninformed, they begin to worship their earthly leaders instead of worshiping Me, the Father of all spiritual beings. (I Corinthians 15:34) 
    I said that all flesh is not the same, people, animals, fish and birds.  I said that there are earthly bodies and there are heavenly bodies and upon death of the earthly body, the spirit of the person puts on a new spiritual body of My design.  (I Corinthians 15:40-45)  I said that you wear a human body while in the earth and you wear a heavenly body while in heaven. (I Corinthians 15:48-58)  The Holy Spirit wrote this truth to you so that you will be empowered in faith and know that the death of the human body is glorious because the person puts on an eternal, heavenly body and is forever alive in the cloud of witnesses around you in My spiritual heaven.
     Paul wrote those truths and he should know.  He came into My third heaven and saw in reality the glories of the heavenly bodies.  He saw the activities going on in My heaven which affect the lives of My children in the earth.(II Corinthians 11:1-6) He had such wonderful revelations that the devil tormented him in his earthly mind, but I told him that the power in My grace was able to overcome that demonic thorn in his flesh. (II Corinthians 12:1-9)
     I said that My children in the earth are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses including the spirits of the believers who have been made perfect, the angels, Jesus and Me.   (Hebrews 12:1-2 and 22-24)  My Spirit wrote to you that angels are ministering spirits sent from Me to minister for the heirs of My salvation.  Among those heirs are YOU. (Hebrews 1:14)  They delivered My words to the children of the old covenant but My words were delivered to My first children of the new covenant of My Spirit through Jesus Christ and they are now personally delivered into the hearts of My Spirit baptized children by My Holy Spirit, Himself.
     The angels are ministering spirits sent to aid you and minister to you at My orchestration, but My Holy Spirit came into your spirit to comfort you, to lead,  guide and direct you into becoming My image in the earth so that you will have kingdom living while you are still living in the earth as well as in heaven. (Matthew 6: 10)  
    Therefore, the truth of the ministering angels are necessary for you to know or you will neglect that valuable truth which should give you peace and faith.  (Hebrews 2:1-4; Hebrews 1:7)    I sent an army of angels to accompany Jesus when he ministered in the earth.  It is said that Jesus even sent an angelic messenger into towns ahead of where He was going to minister.  Jesus knew that I had given to him angelic help while he was in the earth.
    You have Jesus Christ, you have Me, you have the ministering angels and the spirits of the saints which I have given to assist you while you live in the earth.  Moses and Elijah came to earth to assist Jesus while He was struggling with His future in the earth.  You have My Holy Spirit inside of you to lead, guide and direct you.  You will be a hero of faith when you know the army of help that you have in the spiritual dimension around you, as well as knowing the available power of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you.  He is the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead and He lives in you.  There is no reason why you should ever be defeated.  You are on the winning side.  My Spirit Baptized children are the only humans who have unlimited spiritual power available in their lives.  (Acts. 1:2-8) 
     Believe in My Holy Spirit and make use of His power to defeat evil in your life.  When you do, My kingdom living becomes more evident in your life. (Luke 11:20)
    Your Father of Explosive Power and Victory

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