Wednesday, June 19, 2019

My Dear Precious Child,
    Every mother wants her sons and daughters to have a place of real importance in the world as an example of the mother's good parenting skills.  The mother of Zebedee's sons was no exception.  She went to Jesus Christ, bowed down low in honor to Him, and Jesus Christ asked her what she wanted of Him.  She asked Him to promise that her two sons would sit one at His left hand and one at His right hand in My kingdom of heaven.   Jesus Christ commented that they did not know what they were asking.  He asked them if they could eat the cup that He was going to have to drink.  The two sons of Zebedee proudly replied that they could.  Jesus Christ told them very well, that they really would drink of His cup but as for seats at His right and left hand, those were only His to grant because they have been allotted by Me.  (Matthew 20:20-25)
      When the other ten disciples heard this conversation they were indignant with the two brothers.  Jesus seized the opportunity to teach the disciples a good lesson, saying that they knew that the pagan rulers lord their authority over people and their great men make their authority felt by the underlings, but he said that it was not going to happen among them.  He emphasized the truth by saying "NO," that anyone who desires to be great in My kingdom must become the servant of everyone, and that anyone who wants to be first among them must be a servant to others because the Son of Man came not to be served but instead to serve others, and he came to earth to give His life as a ransom for many. (Matthew 20:24-28)
    Pride always brings on a fall from importance and honor.  James and John were martyred later.  At that point in time when Jesus Christ taught this parable the disciples only had authority to cast out demons and heal the sick.  They had no knowledge yet about My kingdom of heaven coming into their lives on earth when they became born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  They were still earthly minded instead of spiritually minded.  Their desire for greatness came from their generational demons and their exposure to the Pharisees, scribes and Sadducees who loved to rule over people; and those politicians still do have the ruler attitude in your world as programmed by the devil.  
     The serving attitude from Jesus Christ was uncommon to the disciples because of the traditions of their political and religious elders who had used their authority for years to place My children in a position of inferiority under their own rule, which was eventually successful in keeping the people depressed with a feeling of inferior in their own minds.  The disciples had to learn to take a place of authority over the devil in their lives on earth, while still remaining humble and kind to other people, serving them My wisdom, My knowledge, My hope, My faith and My thrill at the thought of My kingdom coming on earth as it is in heaven.   
     My children must seek to become evidence of lightness in the world so that they will glorify Me.  Walking around in darkness in the earth causes you to fall into the pits of hell which the devil has provided.  Desiring to be greatest in My kingdom comes from the devil who tempts My children with pride so that he can cause them to fall for his temptations and thus become cursed in every area of their lives.  Becoming a servant of others is My desire for My children.  When My children have that servant attitude, as promoted by Jesus Christ, then I can elevate them to the place of having authority over the devil which is what I desire for My children.  (Matthew 23:12)
    I do not desire for My children to be great as in having power over other people.  I desire for them to have authoritative power over the devil and his demons in the earth, placing the demons under your feet and thus placing them under the feet of Jesus Christ. (I Corinthians 15:25)
    Defeating the works of the devil is the reason My Son was manifested in the earth.  (I John 3:8)  That is still My desire for My children who are baptized in My Holy Spirit, their taking My place of authority over evil while becoming a servant of people.  My children who have a serving attitude toward all people, with humility instead of the pride of life to be great, I will elevate them and give them authority over all of the earth with the power to cast all demons into hell, which results in their shining like the sun in My kingdom of heaven while in the earth which will cause people to glorify Me and desire to know Me intimately as their Loving Father. 
      Your Father of Humility

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