Saturday, June 22, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    In the teaching of the parables of My kingdom of heaven, Jesus Christ said that My kingdom can be compared to a king who gave a feast for his son's wedding.  He sent servants to call on those who had been invited to the wedding feast. The invited guests would not come.  So the king sent more servants to try to persuade the invited guests to come to the feast by telling them that the banquet was prepared, the fattened calf had been slaughtered and everything was ready, urging the guests to come and celebrate with the king and his son.  None of the guests were interested.  One went off to his farm, another went to his business, and the rest seized his servants, mistreated them and then killed them.  The king was furious with the invited guests.  He sent his troops to kill the murderers who had killed his servants and burned their towns. 
    Then the king told his servants that since the wedding feast was ready and since the invited guests were unworthy of the feast, he sent his servants to the crossroads of town and told them to invite everyone they could find to the wedding.  The servants went out on the roads and collected together everyone they could find, bad and good alike, and the wedding hall was filled with joyful guests.  When the king came in to look at the guests he noticed one man who was not wearing a wedding garment.  The king asked the man how he got in without a wedding garment, but the man was silent.  The king said to the attendants to bind the man hand and foot and throw him out into the dark where there would be weaping and grinding of teeth. 
     Jesus commented after the parable that many are called but few choose to accept the calling.
     That parable exemplifies the real truth that when I was able to bring My salvation in the earth by sending My kingdom of heaven into the earth to be received by My old covenant children, the Jews, by inviting them to accept My Son as their Savior, then to be born of My Holy Spirit and to be baptized in My Holy Spirit, they refused, believing instead the false prophets, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the scribes, the religious leaders of the high priests, the priests and the elders of the church.  Most of the people of Israel who trusted in Mosaic Law as their salvation refused to enter into My kingdom of heaven when they had opportunities.  Instead, they killed Jesus Christ, My messenger who taught multiple times about My only way of salvation but the Jews refused to leave behind their Mosaic Law which had been polluted by the devil and embrace My real salvation through Jesus Christ. (Matthew 22:1-7)  
    Because My intended invited children refused My invitation to enter into My kingdom of heaven, I commissioned some of the disciples to go to the heathen, the pagans, the unbelievers and the nonreligious people and to tell them about My salvation through Jesus Christ.  The results were wonderful, My kingdom became full of people who wanted to enter into My kingdom of heaven after they saw My power demonstrated by the disciples of Jesus Christ on the day of Pentecost when My Holy Spirit and My kingdom of heaven filled the upper room in Jerusalem where the believers were gathered waiting for My promise to be revealed.  Somehow a demon, called the spirit of anti-Christ, which was prevalent in religious laws, got into My kingdom of heaven through false prophets but was recognized because he was not clothed in wedding garments. so I had him cast into the abyss where there is weeping and grinding of teeth. (Matthew 22:8-14; Matthew 13:36-42)
    All of the children of the covenant of the Law were invited to My feast of the new birth and having My kingdom of heaven come into their lives on earth.  They refused My appeal, even though the feast was ready for them.  They had prophesied it, taught it and witnessed it in the life of Jesus Christ, but they did not recognize it because the images in their minds were of an earthly kingdom where Israel would be the greatest nation in the world.  The pagans and heathen had no preconceived delusions about what My kingdom coming on earth would be like.  They readily received My invitation because they had needs to be fulfilled which only I can meet.  The formerly heathen/pagans still enjoy My kingdom of heaven while they live in the earth and I, as their loving Father, am allowed to meet their needs as their loving Father by guiding them to refuse evil temptations and even to cast the demons behind those temptations out of the earth and into the abyss.   
    Even though My salvation was prepared for them and even prophesied by their prophets, the Jews refused to recognize Jesus Christ as My son, only considering Him as an imposter.  They were the imposters, posing as My obedient children. They still wait for their Messiah, who came to earth many years ago, but their minds were blinded by religious and political demons who bound them to old, outdated, ineffective Mosaic Law as their means of salvation.  While My current children of promise, who were former pagan heathens with no hope, whey they enjoy My kingdom of heaven in their lives on earth by enjoying a close relationship with Me, the religious, political Jews are still waiting for their king to be born and restore Israel to world leadership.  They will wait forever because the devil is prince of the world and he is not ready to give up his dominion.
    My kingdom of heaven first came to earth in the lives of My children who waited in the upper room for My promise to be fulfilled.  My kingdom of heaven is still coming into the earth in the lives of My children who seek Me, seek My kingdom and seek My righteousness.  Their lives and their worlds are changed from hell on earth to heaven on earth by the presence of My Holy Spirit in their lives and My kingdom of heaven coming to engulf them in all of My love and My power.
    Salvation from the evil that's in the world is available to Jews, Gentiles, believers, unbelievers, males and females, religious and nonreligious.  Jesus told the religious and political Jewish leaders that they must first declare that His name is blessed as being My Son before they can enter into My kingdom of heaven.  When they do, the gates swing open wide to allow their entry into My family abode, My kingdom of heaven.  (Matthew 23:39) 
    The wedding guest list changed from the privileged few in the Jewish religion to multitudes of guests who were not acquainted at all with religious Law, so they believed quickly because there were no religious traditions to bind them to ineffective Mosaic Law which had become the law of sin and death.(Romans 8:2; I Corinthians 15:56)  My kingdom is always available to the people who trust in the Law for their salvation, but first they must recognize and believe in Jesus Christ, His death, His resurrection and His sending My Holy Spirit into the earth to live inside of My children who become believers.  I welcome them into My family when they do because they have left the devil's evil kingdom behind them.
   Your Father of Glorious Choices

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