Sunday, February 14, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    My first Son Jesus Christ gave a sample prayer to His disciples to pray in order to allow My windows of heaven to open and flood them with My blessings which would cause them to be spiritually prosperous, happy, to be envied and with life-joy and satisfaction in My favor and salvation regardless of outward conditions.  In that prayer He broached the subject of forgiveness in which He said for them, and you also, to pray that I would forgive their sins if they would also forgive the sins of other people.  (Matthew 6:12)  Immediately after His ending of "so be it" which is what "amen" means, Jesus launched into a further explanation regarding forgiving other people, magnifying the importance of forgiveness.
   Jesus taught you and the rest of My children that if you forgive the reckless and willful trespasses of other people then I will also be able to forgive you.  But if you do not forgive the reckless and willful sins of other people, then I will not be able to also forgive you of your trespasses.  There is further explanation from the Holy Spirit.  "Forgive" means for you to let go of the sins and trespasses of other people, to send them forward away from you, sending them out of your memory and releasing the resentment that you have for the person.  The reason that Jesus said that I can't forgive you unless you forgive other people  is because if you insist on holding onto resentment in your mind then I cannot erase it from your mind because you own your own mind.
    I gave to humans free will to do everything, so if you choose not to forgive someone and choose to hold onto the resentment, then I cannot also forgive you, and you will suffer the consequences of your obeying the devil's temptation not to forgive.  In that choice you have signed on the bottom line of doing the devil's will in the earth which produces destruction and death in your life on earth. (Matthew 6:14-15)  I would love to forgive you, but I cannot override your will if you choose to hold onto resentment, seeking vengeance.  It's not that I won't by an act of My will forgive you.  It's because you have, yourself, chosen to go that route.  I have no control over your choices, so when you have chosen not to forgive someone then you have left My family and joined with the devil's corrupt family of hatred and retaliation and the seeds that you sow into that garden will grow plants of destruction in your garden of life on earth.
    If you don't know the height, width, breadth and depth of My love for you, then you have no desire to forgive someone.  Only when you are intimately acquainted with My Love can you forgive someone from your heart because you know that My Love extends to that person as well as to you.  (Ephesians 3:14-31)  You finally realize, along with the truth that I love you and everyone else in the world, that because I have freely forgiven you of your sins that you must also forgive other people in the same way with the power of My Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:6-8)
    It is not that I choose not to forgive you.  It's that I can't forgive you because I cannot override your will if you choose to hold onto the resentment.  In other words, when you choose to retain the sins of other people, you also choose for your sins to not be forgiven.
    You hold the keys to your forgiveness from Me. 
    Your Father of Divine Forgiveness          

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