Friday, January 28, 2011


Dear One,

You've heard that joy is where you find it. Joy can be found outside of yourself and joy can be found inside of yourself in the deepest part of your being, that is your spirit where I reside in the person of the Holy Spirit.
Count the reasons to be joyful and you will become joyful.
Meditate on the spiritual benefits of joy to our body and mind and you will be joyful. It may start out slow, but as you continue to meditate on the benefits of being joyful your brain will send out the chemicals that rejuvenate you, putting you on top emotionally again.
Sing about the reasons to be joyful and you will be joyful.
Glory in the reasons to be joyful, that I have rescued you many times and saved you many times and that I will continue in My Fatherly duties in your life.
For My children the reasons to be sad are few. They are always based on what other people have done to you or what you perceive as a failure on your part or maybe the accidents that happen as a part of life in the earth.
When you change channels in your mind and begin to change to the faith channel, then you realize that there is no real basis for sadness because I always bring success out of failures and I change the hearts of others, and I restore what was taken from you and I turn your mourning into gladness. I told you that I will take off the sackcloth of sadness. I did when I sent Jesus to redeem everything and then I sent the Holy Spirit into you to institute My restoration process in every area, restoring everything that was robbed and stolen from you, whether it's your peace, your joy or your love.
My joy can come to you every time you switch the channels in your mind from sadness, hurt feelings, dread and confusion over to My channels of faith. Faith allows Me to restore anything and everything.
I am still in the total restoration business.

Love, God
Psalm 30:11&12; Timothy 3:17; John 10:10; Psalm 130:8

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