Sunday, January 30, 2011


Dear One,
Prolonged grief is a killer.
Prolonged depression is a killer.
Anger is a killer.
Self pity is a killer.
Strife is a killer.
Disease is a killer.
Division is a killer.
Martyrdom is a killer.
Religion is a killer because it instills fear of Me, killing the soul first and then the body. It institutes wars that kill people, nations, hope, joy, unity and peace.
My children often think that some of the killer emotions are just that, harmless emotions of the mind. But the origin of those emotions occurred after the fall of original man when he let the devil control his life. That is when killer emotions took hold of the soul of men.
The original emotions of man were My emotions, the fruit of My spirit, love, joy, patience, faith, goodness, kindness, mercy and self-control. With the indwelling of the Holy Spirit within you, now your emotions of the human mind can be My emotions, the fruit of My Spirit. They bring life. They are live-givers, not life takers.
Love, God
John 10:10; Galatians 5:18-26

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