Sunday, January 23, 2011


Dear One,
Learn the modus operandi of your spiritual enemy. If you notice, he endeavors to get you down in all three areas, spiritually, mentally and physically, so that he can attempt to totally defeat you.
Sometimes it will start with a physical illness. Then he will send an emotional upset. Then the spiritual aspect is easy for him to afflict because you are already two thirds down.
Other times he will send an emotional upset or disturbance, then he will introduce a physical illness because your defenses are down. Then the spiritual weakness follows which often is a depletion of faith.
If you know his strategy, then you will be able to catch him in the act when he is only attacking you physically or emotionally. When you are able to recognize his plans, his strategy, then you will rebound quickly from the first attack and you will stand up to him and gain ascendancy over him again.
You will see that you rebound so much faster now that you have truth about his strategies. The saying to, "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again," is a wise one. Since repentance means to turn and go another way that is beneficial to you, that is good repentance philosophy. To rebound from an attack from satan, pick yourself up, kick the devil's dirt off and go the other way, which is My way of taking the control of your life back from your spiritual enemy.
The enemy knows he cannot get My children completely down unless he gets them afflicted in more than one area, spirit, soul or body. So keep on the look-out for his attacks. Stand up to him, knowing that another attack has already been planned by him.
If he afflicted you with an illness first, he will add an emotional affliction so that he can rob you of faith. If the first attack in an emotional hurt or disappointment, then he will add a physical illness so that he can take all of your joy and peace away.
Be a watchman, be on the alert for a second attack when the enemy's first attack has been successful. Better yet, stop him at the first attack. If the first one is a physical illness, begin to seek My wisdom on how to get healed, either by medicine or by using your spiritual authority of confronting the enemy with My arsenal. I'll tell you what is effective in every instance.
If the first attack is an emotional upset, begin to use your authority just like Jesus did, by speaking My Words to satan and demanding that he flee from your mind. Then the second attack, a physical one, will be averted.
Do not let a physical or mental attack progress into a spiritual attack where satan can rob you of all spiritual attributes, faith, love, peace, joy, mercy, patience, kindness and goodness. That's his object, to rob you of My attributes that are in you, inside of your spirit where I live. If the attack advances to that point, then you are truly defeated for a time.
Thwart every temptation at the first attack and you will overcome like Jesus did when he was temped by the devil. Jesus put satan in his place by treading on him with My Words. You have the same authority.
Pray for wisdom to recognize every attack, whether to your body, to your soul or to your spirit, as an effort to defeat you and to defeat Me.
Stand up to every temptation of the devil and every testing of the devil and every affliction of the devil by putting on My full arsenal, which are My Words, both written and spoken. My arsenal is powerful and always prevails. Then the angels come and minister to you after every battle because they love to see you win.
Love, God
Matthew 4;3-11; Ephesians 6:10-18

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