Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Dear One,

Who dwells with Me in My temple, your body?
Who do you entertain? Who invades My domicile in the inner court of your mind?
My children often allow alien spirits to stay either permanently or periodically inside of their minds. Those visiting invaders can be guilt, condemnation, anger, judgment, prejudice, racism, evil speaking, disgust, discord, strife, jealousy and other injurious and damaging thoughts and attitudes.
If the evil visitors are allowed to remain in the inner court of your mind, then the outer court, your body, can also become polluted. The next step is that sickness and illness invade the body because its well oiled machine has been set off kilter and damaging hormones have been released which will speed the work of the damaging spirits. When that happens, one of My temples in the earth, your body, is overrun with other imperfections. My perfect temple is then compromised and ineffective.
When the damaging spirits are allowed to remain, My Holiest place in My temple, which is your spirit, can also become affected. Faith becomes doubt, love becomes hate, joy becomes sorrow, goodness becomes cruelty, mercy becomes judgment, patience become impatience and on and on
When My temple is given over to the invading spirits, then I am forced to dwell in the center of a temple of doom rather than a temple of love and salvation to all men. It becomes hard for Me to do My work of helping all men from inside of a temple of doom. In fact, most often My work is completely thwarted when the damaging spirits have gained control.
You must catch the invaders when they first stand at the door of your mind with opposing thoughts. Slam the door on them immediately. Refuse to let them into My dwelling place where their plan is to harass you and others through you.
When your body, My temple, is filled with love and peace, then we can do our work together of comforting and saving others.
Clean house and you will enjoy life to the fullest.
Love, God
I Corinthians 6:19-20; Ephesians 2:20-22; John 14:16-17; II Corinthians 10:3-7; Romans 6:19-23; Galatians 5:19-24.

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